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why Is the factorio gear rusted?

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2017 10:07 am
by The_Mtn_Dew_Master
Why is the gear in the logo rusted? It looks good rusted but what does it actually mean. I think it represents running out of iron because they probably where all like “hey that gear over there is rusted should we replace it” and then some would reply back saying “oh we don’t have any more iron left so we are just going to need to leave it like that”. Because we all know what it what it is like to run out of iron so you just need to do with what you have. And in this case they could not replace the gear with a new therefore leaving it to rust...

Or it is there to make it look cool.

What do you think the story behind it is?

Re: why Is the factorio gear rusted?

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2017 10:53 am
by olafthecat
Did you bring this up because I changed my signature?
I was using it as metaphor, we need more innovative content in the game, like Hydroelectric dams! ;)
Anyway, probably related in some way to the industrial revolution, happened a l-o-n-g time ago, but is now occurring again on a new planet!
Or it is there to make it look cool.
It is also, pretty cool! 8-)

Re: why Is the factorio gear rusted?

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2017 2:29 pm
by Koub
When you have a close look at the graphics, everything in (vanilla) Factorio has a look of steampunk/rustiness (especially visible in the HD textures).

Re: why Is the factorio gear rusted?

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2017 11:03 am
by olafthecat
Koub wrote:When you have a close look at the graphics, everything in (vanilla) Factorio has a look of steampunk/rustiness (especially visible in the HD textures).
I knew that already.
Urm, about that, why is everything rusty, especially stuff that you have already built, it doesn't make sense.
I'm taking this too far aren't I, it's just a game after all, or is it?

Re: why Is the factorio gear rusted?

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2017 7:46 pm
by impetus maximus
because pristine is boring.
gear385.png (106.11 KiB) Viewed 4998 times

Re: why Is the factorio gear rusted?

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 10:51 am
by olafthecat
ooooh...! Snazzy! :)
Where did you find this?
You could put it on the factorio in real life section.

Re: why Is the factorio gear rusted?

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 10:25 pm
by impetus maximus
i forget where i got it. was going to be my avatar here when they had larger dimensions.
then i used Zorg, and forgot about that pic.

did an image search for that one, but came up empty.
here is copy of the original uncropped image.

for those that didn't notice, that is a rail car behind them to give you an idea of scale. :shock:

Re: why Is the factorio gear rusted?

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 10:53 am
by olafthecat
So we are talking about a gear at least the size of a tractor wheel!
That's pretty big!
About the player avatars, can you see mine?
I think its a top hat, or a cat, or something, but I can't tell.
All I can see is text!

Re: why Is the factorio gear rusted?

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2017 2:46 am
by impetus maximus
your avatar is broken for me.
[edit] yup you got it.

Re: why Is the factorio gear rusted?

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2017 1:11 pm
by olafthecat
Thank you, I'll see if I can fix it! :D

EDIT: There we go!
All up and ready to rock!

Re: why Is the factorio gear rusted?

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2018 12:45 am
by SilverWarior
Why is the Factorio gear rusted?
Probably due to all that pollution that is being caused by all those nasty machines. You see acid rain that is most common result of heavy pollution is greatly speeding up the corrosion process.

Now why hasn't it been preplaced?
When you build your factory in Factorio do you build it to work only for a few hours a day or to work on-stop? I'm guessing that like most of us you also want your factory to be operational non-stop and this means there is no time for replacing the Factorio gear as that would mean that some machine would have to be stopped.

But then again since the Factorio gear is positioned alone (no other gears connecting to it) it might be that factorio gear is actually the old gear from some machine that has already been replaced with a new one. So now it is rusting away simply placed somewhere. :)