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Compression Chest Mod(edited for 0.15)

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2017 1:01 pm
by Alyssa
Original Mod: ... n%20Chests

A few edits to make this old mod compatible with the current 0.15 version
Known issues:Compression chest's name not correctly displayed / Related Technology icon looks weird
(None of these issues impact the functionality)
Changes ->

Original String:
"factorio_version": "0.14"
Edited String:
"factorio_version": "0.15"

Original String(multiple ones):
{"science-pack-1", 2},
{"science-pack-2", 2},
{"science-pack-3", 2},
{"alien-science-pack", 1}
Edited String:(multiple ones)
{"science-pack-1", 2},
{"science-pack-2", 2},
{"science-pack-3", 2},

Original String:
charge_animation =
filename = "__Compression Chests__/graphics/Compression - power - charging.png",
width = 72,
height = 62,
line_length = 1,
frame_count = 1,
shift = {0.49145, -0.25},
animation_speed = 0
Edited String:
charge_animation =
filename = "__Compression Chests__/graphics/Compression - power - charging.png",
width = 72,
height = 62,
line_length = 1,
frame_count = 1,
shift = {0.49145, -0.25},
animation_speed = 1
Apparently the mod won't load with the default animation speed(which is 0).

That's all the changes.

Compression chests are unlocked with Logistic 3,compression chest moving is a separate tech.

Extra Notes:
I tried this mod using the sandbox mode,without having all tech unlocked from the start to check for any bugs,and apparently the power compression poles doesn't take electricity from the special electric generator you get from the console command/cheat:
/c game.player.insert{name="electric-energy-interface"}
So I used electricity from solar panels and for some reason it worked.

No other issues found.

Download edited mod:!qZVhkTBL!fvs8xu6cZJJZ ... tjoFySC-aA
(or edit the mod yourself)

While I tested this mod and it's working for me in Factorio 0.15.37,I cannot guarantee that it will work for you, so use this at your own risk.

Re: Compression Chest Mod(edited for 0.15)

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 9:11 am
by bobingabout
Instead of dropping alien science pack, I would have replaced it with the production science pack. (or even more personally, the logistics science pack I add in my mods)

Re: Compression Chest Mod(edited for 0.15)

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 1:18 pm
by olafthecat
I saw this mod a while back, I wanted it.
Now it is in 0.15, I can use it! :D