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[0.15.37] map-settings.example.json defaults to expensive difficulty

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2017 2:42 pm
by daniel34
These are the first few lines of Factorio\data\map-settings.example.json:

Code: Select all

     "recipe_difficulty": 1,
     "technology_difficulty": 1,
     "technology_price_multiplier": 1
Since recipe_difficulty and technology_difficulty are set to 1 they use the expensive template. It should be set to 0 (normal difficulty) instead.

Rseding91 has already mentioned it in this thread (where users complained about it):
Rseding91 wrote:It's not the default. It's the example. The default is "don't specify a map-settings.json file"
However all other settings in that file are set to their default values (as far as I can tell). Difficulty settings should do the same.

The current behavior leads to players unknowingly playing on expensive difficulty, and threads like this: ... 945630883/

Re: [0.15.37] map-settings.example.json defaults to expensive difficulty

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2017 3:01 pm
by Rseding91
Ok, I changed it for 0.16.

Re: [0.15.37] map-settings.example.json defaults to expensive difficulty

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2017 3:13 pm
by daniel34
Thanks :)