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A couple Ideas for robot enhancements

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 6:52 pm
by OutlawStar
1. sometimes i have construction robots /w personal roboport and the materials required for construction when i drop a BP but the bots in my backpack don't get the build order because i am in construction range of a roboport and instead some bot 500 tiles away gets the order to take the item from long-term storage. this leaves me waiting for a while those bots come and finish the job when i had everything needed to build it almost instantly. Could there be a way to prioritize player's construction area over the larger roboports' area? and could the player interrupt bots currently assigned to the job in their personal construction area and instead use their own bots?

2. Could you add a button that temporarily halt all logistic system activity with the player? or maybe even split it into two functions to stop giving and stop receiving. This would be very useful to prevent interaction with logistics bots while in the logistics area for certain circumstances such as when constructing something that takes a lot of resources from your inventory. Then i could re enable it afterward and not go through the process of setting up all my logistics filters again.

You could make the argument that it would be smarter to simply request the items needed for the job and then build it as they come to you, but the length of time it would take to build in this manner can be much longer depending on # of robots available on the player and the network. This is of course not taking into account the time it takes the player to gather those resources for the job in my preferred method of building, but my argument is that it would be fun for us to have a choice in this matter.

Re: A couple Ideas for robot enhancements

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 8:30 pm
by Impatient
IMO interesting. Everyone who blueprint-built complex layouts ran into this annoyance. My solution was to have like 7 advanced roboports equipped and splitting blueprints. And that didn't solve it in some cases. Especially with floor tiles included in the blueprint.

Could it be done by pressing an additional key while placing the blueprint? The additional keypress would flag the placed entity ghosts "to be taken from inventory only, as long as there are enough required items in the inventory".

Problems though:
1. There is one keypress with placing blueprints already. The one that indicates that ghosts shall also be placed if some entity is blocking the placement of other ghosts in the blueprint.
2. What if the ghosts are outside the players roboports reach? In case they also get flagged, then the player has to run around, to make sure all entities get placed. And what if the player misses some spot? Then the layout does not get completed unless the player for some other reason runs out of the items needed.
3. What happens in case of a multiplayer game.

Just throwing some thoughts.

Re: A couple Ideas for robot enhancements

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 8:33 pm
by Impatient
Pour your feature request into the preferred form:


Re: A couple Ideas for robot enhancements

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2017 5:54 am
by Koub
Have you tried searching a little before posting your suggestion ? It's better to contribute into existing topics, instead of everyone creating his own, and losing all what's have been said by people who have been thinking on the subject before.
Also very related topics can be found in here : viewtopic.php?f=80&t=20566
You should definitely try and read them.