What are the opinions on the current Turret Damage output?
Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2017 10:34 pm
I've been doing some experiments and maths on the Damage output of various Turrets because I wanted to find out at which point a Turret kills a Behemoth Biter with a single hit just for the sake of it.Gun Turret (using Uranium Rounds)
As it turns out you can reach that with Gun Turret Damage Level 25 and Bullet Damage 25:It should be noted that the scaling mechanic works multiplicatively on the bonus effects instead of additively. So the formula is basically (without resistances):
Code: Select all
Raw Damage = Base Damage * (1 + Cumulative Gun Turret Damage Bonus) * (1 + Cumulative Bullet Damage Bonus)
Code: Select all
Damage = (Raw Damage - 12) * (1 - 10%)
The costs for level 25 are insane of course... 524 288 000 Science Packs, so it doesn't really seem feasable. In my 1000 Science Packs/min factory that would be about 8738.1 hours. A little more than a year of uninterrupted research. Damn exponential scaling... just ugly.
On the other hand 2-hitting a Behemoth actually seems do-able in a factory with a decent enough science output... Only level 18 required, with a total amount of 4 096 000 science Packs. A few dozen hours of leaving Factorio running in the background maybe or doing something else in the factory. In my 1000 Science Packs/min factory that would be about 68.2 hours.
3-hitting is what I'm currently aiming for in my base. Only 512 000 Science Packs. In my 1000 Science Packs/min factory that would be about 8.5 hours.
Flamethrower Turrets
Here's the table for Flamethrower Turrets:It should be noted that the scaling mechanic is similar to the Gun Turret scaling... each level of Flamethrower damage actually impacts the Turret in two ways... once by affecting the Flamethrower turret itself and once affecting the flamethrower... so basically the Bonus is multiplicated by itself. So the formula is basically (without resistances):
Code: Select all
Raw Damage = Base Damage * (1 + Cumulative Flamethrower Damage Bonus)^2
[edit]Added a column for the Stacking Effect of Over Time damage to the AoE. Thanks to BlakeMW[/edit]
Laser Turrets
Here's the table for Laser Turrets:The formula for the Laser Turret is:
Code: Select all
Raw Damage = Base Damage * (1 + Cumulative Laser Turret Damage Bonus)
The problems with them is definitely that they lack the multiplicative effect of 2 researches like Gun Turrets and Flamethrower Turrets have.
Since firing speed is also much slower compared to Gun Turrets they can't make up for the insane DPS output of Gun Turrets/Flamethrower Turrets.
They can only make up for the lack of DPS by not requiring any ammunition except energy which is free thanks to Solar power or almost free thanks to Nuclear Power. That said you have to place A WHOLE LOT more of them to make up for the lack of DPS.
Here's a graph comparing the Turrets:Eventually one can see that the damage bonus of 20% per level from the Flamethrower Turret is outpaced by Gun Turrets which have 70% per level. So even if Flamethrower Turrets have a much higher initial damage output they will be overtaken by Gun Turrets.
And just like I wrote... the linear scaling of Laser Turrets just can't keep up with the other two.
From my point of view the damage upgrades make the Gun Turrets and Flamethrower Turrets more than worthwhile integrating into a proper defense.
Flamethrower Turrets are probably the most efficient way getting rid of most Biter attacks... especially when funneling them into a small chokepoint passage so that every consecutive biter has to walk through the fire trail. So probably they are the first things to upgrade with infinite research.
Laser Turrets may try taking out whatever gets past that inferno, but you really need a lot of them to do any significant damage because of how Infinite research is basically useless on them or at least doesn't have much effect.
And if that's not enough to deal with a Behemoth Biter a single Gun Turret is more than enough to put the nail to its coffin. The damage scaling is pretty much insane and should be the second thing to upgrade after Flamethrowers. Also usually one has too much Uranium Ore to spend anyways due my Nuclear Power plant almost imposing no drain thanks to Kovarex Enrichment.
So what's your opinion about it?