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More island type procedural generations

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 5:15 am
by DraconianEssence
So i decided to load up an older version of factorio (0.12.35)and loaded a map up.To be honest i wish i could get more maps like this.To me there's something about starting on something like this with resources near you and a few mobs on the starting island as well.Makes for more of a "Challange" to grow and expand,while teching up.Dont know if there are any plans for .15.x and futher updates to include more of this type procedural generations when making a new world.

Re: More island type procedural generations

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 7:24 am
by Koub
Tbh, this is not much of a challenge : You only have to destroy the very few nests on your island as early as possible, and then, develop freely until you feel ready to fight your way to new ressources. Then, drop a pair of landfills to make yourself an easily defendable entrance to your core base, and you can roll on the remaining of the map.

Re: More island type procedural generations

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 9:29 pm
by Jap2.0
Yes - you don't even need the landfill, it looks like there's a ~5 tile wide gap in the east, just northeast of the biter nest.
Still looks fun though.