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Thoughts on my gear design?

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2017 7:53 pm
by cooltv27
I wanted a gear design for a belt factory and I came up with this
the input and output are both at the bottom. the outside 2 belts are the input while the inside 2 are the output. you can tile this design vertically or horizontally. you can also use half by replacing the lights with power poles if you felt like it.
im interested to hear what people think about it

Re: Thoughts on my gear design?

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2017 8:10 pm
by Jap2.0
I think the inserters will only output on one side of the belt. There are a couple ways you could work around this. First, you could have the belts merge, one filling each side, at the end. Another option is to have it so that the inserter outputs at the bottom and one side of the splitter inserts into the top of the underground belt (sorry, can't provide a picture right now :(). Unfortunately, this would take up the spaces your lights and power poles are using, but you could put those on the sides. That would make it two tiles wider, but you could also share the power poles if you tiled it side-to-side, so in that cases it would effectively only be an extra 1 column per copy.

Re: Thoughts on my gear design?

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2017 8:27 pm
by Engimage
I don't know why would you need that complex design? Why not just 2 rows of assemblers with inputs outside and output between them? Cause you need obviously 2 belts of iron to make a single belt of gearwheels... It might be a bit wider but it is not that long and requires so much less materials - no undergrounds and splitters

Also it is generally a bad idea to output on splitters. They have some inconsistensy on different orientations making your design fail in some cases