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Restrict bots to controlled air space

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2017 6:34 am
by Voxera
With larger spread out bases I quite commonly loose bots that try to cut across enemy land going between two areas connected by a chain of roboports.

This forces me to break apart the networks until the base is roughly circular.

I suggest that you shoul be able to restrict bots to only plan path through roboport covered territory.

If you have two "legs" going into biter land and bots need to fetch things from the other side they then should plan the longer path back througb the area covered by ports.

That way you can avoid having suicidal bots charging over nests with destruction as a result.

Bots stranded outside of coverage should of cause try to return but going for the closest border even if it is a longer path.

This could be a setting per game (for friendly maps you might not want it).

It will requirebots to use pathfinding but use of cached flight paths between ports and pathing by port should aleviate this.

Also, common pairs of structures could be cashed as line of sights for loadinh areas.

Possibly it could also merged controlled zones into larger to make pathing easier by using as large rectangles as possible and only doing more expensive calculations in border regions.

Re: Restrict bots to controlled air space

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2017 7:19 am
by Engimage
This has been discussed multiple times.
Here is the biggest (?)
Make all bots stay inside their network

Re: Restrict bots to controlled air space

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2017 11:14 am
by Jap2.0
There is also some discussion in FFF #200 starting here.