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[Minor feature request] Fluid process as circuit signal

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 2:47 pm
by Apolo
I'm using circuit network to manage my oil processing with basic rules.

I wish I could use process icons as signals
icons like these:

I could output those recipe icons on my network and I would know exactly which process should be running, that would be really easier to debug.

for now I use something like this:

Code: Select all

# Basic metrics
| Heavy Oil       |      A      |  B  |    C     |
| Light Oil       |      D      |  E  |    F     |
| Gas             |      I      |  J  |    K     |

# Computed signals
| SIGNAL |      RULE      |         DESC           |
| L      | (!A && D) || C | should crack heavy oil |
| M      | (!D && I) || F | should crack light oil |
| N      | A              | basic oil process      |
| O      | D || I         | adv. oil process       |
This is not perfect but it prevents tanks from being empty or full, so I have no interruptions in production (except when out of petrol).

The thing is, with this system I always need to take a paper and a pen when I need to inspect what's going wrong.

Also If we could assing labels to signals it would be fantastic (even if this may cause issues when merging circuits)

Thanks a lot for this awesome game

Re: [Minor feature request] Fluid process as circuit signal

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 7:41 pm
by Gergely
Disagree. Your current solution (using letters) is just as easy to debug.

By the way, in my opinion, you should never enable O if K

Re: [Minor feature request] Fluid process as circuit signal

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2017 10:57 am
by Apolo
Sorry for the late answer.

I think letters for basic metrics is fine, but for more complicated signals it gets tricky. It's like coding without comments, it looks like fine when you first write it, but then you get back to it a few days later and you think "damn, where the hell is my doc ?" (a paper in my case).

Using the adv processing icon instead of O for eg. would be self explanatory.

Thanks for the tip BTW, but adv. oil processing is the best way to get light oil fast. I have other signals to trigger any liquid/gas to fuel ON when the system is about to get locked.

I also need to update my logic to consider the new coal liquefaction processing