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[15.32] Uranium mines and S.Acid

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2017 8:29 am
by karlstri
don't know if this fits in bugs...

ok uranium requires sulfuric acid to mine
ok the miners hold some of it internally

but when they are no more uranium to be mined they do not eject the acid, not all of it anyhow, it hogs 100 acid that is effectively gone forever

personally i think empty uranium miners should act like a pipe so that i can suck out the acid before i deconstruct them

Re: [15.32] Uranium mines and S.Acid

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2017 4:53 pm
by Rseding91
Thanks for the report but they actually do shove all of the acid out of the miner assuming it can fit into the connected pipes/tanks.

Re: [15.32] Uranium mines and S.Acid

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2017 5:29 pm
by posila
Just to make sure Rseding's response is understood correctly, they shove all buffered fluid out when you mine them (not when they deactivate)