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A new scenario (similar to sandbox)

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 9:21 pm
by grease-kitten
I really enjoy going into the game and building freely from the start in sandbox without having to worry about aliens. But i sometimes want to use a weapon or fire a tank in sandbox just for fun, but i can't equip anything or use vehicles' weapons in sandbox because there is no character nor an equip slot. So is it possible to create a new scenario that is same to sandbox but, you are a physical character that takes no damage, has an equipable slot, can have a personal logistic system connection, and can create anything freely like sandbox?

Re: A new scenario (similar to sandbox)

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 10:44 pm
by darkfrei
See my sign for creative scenario. But you are not immortal, but with multiplayer you can resurrect even when you're playing alone.