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Blueprint Library Multi Sync Support

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 7:04 pm
by supernet2
Suggestion; Improve Blueprint library supporting multi-sync

Summary; Allowing multiple blueprints to load in queue in succession instead of one at a time

Idea; Instead of having blueprints load individually when a user loads it, say a user wants to download all the blueprints on the multiplayer server have in the blueprints "My Blueprints" a "force sync" with a sync icon to show total sync progress instead of individual book sync progress (with queued for transfer)

Under the Shared blueprints, same idea, with a "forced sync" only for the save file, so that you can utilize the blueprints in that server quicker instead of having to individually sync each individual blueprint (and blueprint book).

Now i know that when you sync a blueprint within a blueprint book (Blueprint book --> Subdirectory IE Blueprint within blueprint book) all the blueprints within that blueprint book then sync. Im hoping for a improvement to enable or force a resync just incase the "Queued for transfer" issue comes up and the blueprints individually or blueprint books and individiual blueprints get stuck in Queued for transfer, ultimately getting stuck indefinitely for everyone on said server.