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Cannot catch multiplayer game

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2017 12:38 pm
by Hunterz
With friend we have server. We have very large base. Some friends cannot play because cannot catch the game. Only solution is pause game, then join. Saving game, then trying play in the singleplayer is possible. ( My computer have enough power i think.) Idk why some players can catch game and some not. I thinks found some bug in the client-server communication. Version 0.15.25 x64 (Linux server) Linux&Windows clients. Network performance is good, tested on the symetrical 50mbit connection.

Re: Cannot catch multiplayer game

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2017 1:14 pm
by impetus maximus
if you have a complex base and the computer joining is too slow to keep up with the UPS (updates per second) they won't catch up.
options are get a faster computer (memory speed) or have the host slow down the game's speed.
you could also have the person with a slower computer host.