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Snooze button for alerts

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 6:28 am
by AntiBlueQuirk
Snooze button functionality (like on an alarm clock) to temporarily silence global alerts.
I really love the new alerts system in 0.15. It's so great to be able to build a little circuit to monitor things and alert me when things go wrong. ("I'm out of ammo!", "There's some non-iron on the iron belt!", "We're low on power!") A useful aspect of this is that you can check the "Global playback" box to attach a sound to alerts so they get your attention faster. (It's really easy to start ignoring the little flashing alerts at the bottom of the screen.) But this is a problem if it's hard to silence the alert. It might be far away, or might take a long time to fix. (Need to build more boilers!) You could go disable the speaker, but you might forget to turn it back on. You could just put up with it, but some of the alert sounds can get annoying really fast. This is especially true in multiplayer games, when another player is responsible for fixing the alert, and you just have to put up with it until they get the job done.

So, I propose a "snooze" button. Clicking on the alert icon simply silences the global sounds for any active alerts for 1-5 minutes. (You could put a slider in the options.) If the same alerts are still active when the "snooze" ends, the sounds begin playing again. If a new alert starts, it will also end the snooze.
Global playback is great, but can be annoying. A snooze button gives you the benefit of global sound alerts, while giving players the power to temporarily silence alerts they are already aware of.
  • When the a player hits the snooze button, it just notes all active global playing speakers in a list, sliences them, and starts a timer for X minutes. If a speaker stops playing, it is removed from the list. If a speaker starts playing, since it's not in the list, it starts actually making sound until the client snoozes it. After the timer expires, all speakers in the list are unsilenced, and the list is cleared.
  • I don't think there's any reason for this to affect the game-state, so snoozing would not have to be synchronized between players. (Each player is responsible for their own snooze button.)
  • Since the snooze list is not part of the gamestate, it doesn't need to be saved. This means all alerts will start back up after a reload. Also, snoozing would not be repeated in demos. (Though, presumably, you could snooze demo-alerts.)

Re: Snooze button for alerts

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 11:07 am
by Tekky
I agree with the suggestion. However, it has already been suggested six weeks ago in the following thread:

viewtopic.php?f=6&t=46386 Dismissing alerts

Also, this thread is related:

viewtopic.php?f=6&t=46677 Alerts display

Re: Snooze button for alerts

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 11:59 am
by AntiBlueQuirk
Oop. Missed those. Guess I didn't search hard enough. :)

Re: Snooze button for alerts

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 1:24 pm
by Muche
In the meantime you could make your own snooze button with combinators:
image and description
You'd still need to go to the place so you can activate it, or put activating inserters all over the factory and connect them into one big circuit network (so one snoozes all alerts, current and future).

Re: Snooze button for alerts

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 2:57 pm
by AntiBlueQuirk
Well that's a novel solution.

Re: Snooze button for alerts

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 2:00 pm
by ssilk
I think there are two methods:

1. The volume of alerts/sound: Should be an extra slider, which can be also moved to zero (no sound)
2. The acknowledgement of alerts: One clicked on, that alert is silent for now.