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[UX] Blueprint book always has an empty blueprint last

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2017 12:46 pm
by sillyfly
Quick UI/UX suggestion which I think can improve usability.

Right now, if you want to add a blueprint to a blueprint book you have to first create a new blueprint then drag it into the book. This is fine when organizing existing blueprints, but for new blueprints it makes no sense - I have to create a new blueprint then put it in the book, then use scroll to the new empty blueprint to populate it (or populate the blueprint outside the book and only then drag it in - same thing).

It is very useful that empty blueprints in a blueprint book make the book act as an empty blueprint, but why must I put a new empty book inside it in the first place? Why would I ever have more than 1 empty blueprint in a book, unless I'm preparing for the future when I know I'll create more?

So why not disable inserting empty blueprints into a blueprint book, and instead have a blueprint book automatically have an empty blueprint ready to be populated as the last item? This way I can always create new blueprints directly into the book, without the hassle of creating a new blueprint from the blueprint menu.

The only downside I can see to this is that you will be forced to scroll through one extra item, but as blueprint books become bigger this will be less noticeable. Alternatively, a checkbox can be added to "lock" the book, or else an option to auto-manage empty blueprints in a book (that is - make sure there is always exactly one, and it is in the last slot).

Does this make sense? Any thoughts?
(Sorry if this was previously suggested, I couldn't find anything about it in the forums).