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TheWall [image heavy]

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 4:05 pm
by Fuller

This is my approach to a nearly indestructable defense. (first Iteration)

Main Features:

-Scaleability (useful from early to very late game)
-Redundency (mutliple energy grids, backup accumulators, backup solar arrays, multiple ammo storages and types)
-Autonomy (runs without energy, self repairing and rearming)

Downsides: Ressource intensive in the end

Upcoming Features:

-Improved Rail Network
-Improved Landmine Layout
-Coal Backup Power Supply
-Improved Light Oil Network
Minimap.jpg (181.96 KiB) Viewed 8349 times
Satellite Shot.jpg
Satellite Shot.jpg (4.67 MiB) Viewed 8347 times
What do you think about it?

...oh...yeah..the blueprints ;) //The spoiler feature does not work, so i put the blueprintstring in .txt files.
Straight Line.txt
(12.62 KiB) Downloaded 264 times
(8.52 KiB) Downloaded 241 times

Re: TheWall [image heavy]

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 4:15 pm
by Kayanor

Code: Select all

You need to define a name for the spoiler to work.

Re: TheWall [image heavy]

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 8:08 pm
by tamanous
Fuller wrote:
What do you think about it?
Do you play with some mods to greatly improve aliens? Otherwise this looks like overkill par excellence to me.

Re: TheWall [image heavy]

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 7:55 am
by Fuller
You are looking at the fully upgraded version but since its a scalable setup you can easily use only one line of gun turrets and a single wall section.
That setup in its final state is meant to protect your vital infrastructure and i think if you spent some 100 million iron and copper plates for a factory its a good idea to have a (overkill) defense aswell :D

Re: TheWall [image heavy]

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2017 6:58 am
by NotABiter
Fuller wrote:What do you think about it?
Either the straight sections are overpowered (wasteful) or the corners are too weak, because your corners are much weaker than the straight sections. To see why, look at the analysis I did in this post.

I also don't think there's nearly enough solar there to keep those lasers powered up if a wall section gets cut off. (If that's not what they're there for, then I don't really know why they're there.)
Why the gap between the dragon's teeth and the outer solid wall? (And has anyone done an analysis on optimal dragon's teeth spacing?)

What the heck is this?:
fuller.jpg (3.31 KiB) Viewed 7833 times
(It's around pixel location 1256, 1483 in "Satellite Shot.jpg".)

I haven't tried using landmines + robots yet. (I assume you're supplying landmines to the roboport supply areas -- or at least you intend to at some point?) I've always been concerned that as soon as robots start trying to replace landmines they'll just very quickly get themselves killed (not only by biters, but since you're using flame turrets, by fire as well). Maybe if there was some kind of delay so they wouldn't try to replace land-mines until the attack was completely over for a bit it would be OK, but that sounds like more trouble than it's worth.

I'm guessing (hoping) trains are able to zip full-speed through stations that are already fully stocked? (Nice - just tried a test set up and that's exactly how it works when stations are disabled by circuits.)

Why an active provider rather than a passive provider? (I'm just imagining putting down a storage chest somewhere and suddenly having robots dumping a whole bunch of stuff in it you don't want just because you were too close to the wall.)

Hmm, wooden power poles? (I think most people don't like spending inventory slots on wooden poles once they've researched "the good poles", so you don't see much use of wooden poles in late-game designs.)

It looks like you currently only supply ammo (400 AP) and oil (2.5k light oil). I think you need to also supply repair packs and replacement walls (and replacement mines if you're going to risk your robots on such duty), and maybe other replacement parts such as lasers (but perhaps only if going up against something tougher than vanilla enemies and/or running at less than 100% capacity in terms of installed turrets). (Also, replacement construction bots because they'll get killed sometimes even just doing wall repairs? I'm not actually sure what the current state of vanilla is in that respect - maybe it's not an issue.)

You might get a kick out of my "laser rails" which was a sort of similar (though simpler) idea (back when Factorio had the old 1 tile lasers).

Depending on how much you want it to scale up, you might want some signals on those rails so you can run more than one supply train without them crashing into each other (though the other way to do it would be to have some kind of zone-based supply system with a single train per zone). Maybe also consider having the rail double as personal transit? (There could be additional stations placed on the rail at convenient locations that supply trains would skip but your personal train could be told to go to - that would be another case where you would want signals on the rail, else you have to manually drive the train and try to avoid collisions, including the supply train deciding to run into you.)

Re: TheWall [image heavy]

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2017 1:19 pm
by pieppiep
NotABiter wrote:What the heck is this?:
(It's around pixel location 1256, 1483 in "Satellite Shot.jpg".)
My guess is it's multiple screenshots glued together, so the rockets launched icon.

Re: TheWall [image heavy]

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 8:46 am
by Elecen
Replace the teeth with single pieces of yellow belt pushing things outwards. and make sure all are within laser range
The critters get confused on belts (and do not attack them unless really stuck for some time). This delays even the biggest hords long enough to get killed even by a single line of laser turrets.
Of course you can take this much further making cycling "shapes" and totally confusing them while having a train run by to crash them. Buggers (squashed or not) are real fun to toy with

Now if you want to overkill and have fun, install some Flame cannons. Sometimes I just go bug the little buggers and drive them on the flame cannons.... it's like magic in the night :mrgreen:

Re: TheWall [image heavy]

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2017 4:00 pm
by PanTobi
... bfff...
Aliens have Attack Range = 15...
Your Turrets have Attack Range = 20...

if u will build your wall 15 blocks from your Turrets Aliens will be no able to hit your turrets
( sry. my english isn't perfect xD )

and... u can build special walls what will BLOCK Aliens...
Aliens will block other aliens and they will no able to move... ( this will give u 4/5 sec b4 they will make first attack )

and... u can build other special walls... Aliens are bigger than player... so if u will build 2 lines of wall with 1 block "break"
u will be able to move by this wall but aliens not xD

LEL... this perfect English <3 :D...

Re: TheWall [image heavy]

Posted: Sat May 26, 2018 4:00 pm
by HalfPastZulu
I think Trump would approve of these walls !