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Inserter for everything but selected item

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 3:23 pm
by thegreyman
It would be nice to have an sorter inserter that triggers on everything that isn't of the selected type. So you could put coal in the selection box, and it would take anything not coal off the belt. Effectively it would purify the stream of materials going to any of your factory lines.

Now I know you can just put normal filter inserters in and pick 5 items that you want filtered out of the belt, but it would be cleaner to be able to place one inserter to deal with anything, in case something gets onto your conveyor you didn't anticipate.


Re: Inserter for everything but selected item

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 3:27 pm
by Nova
I support this idea. I would prefer a setting in the smart inserter which inverts the filter. (Changes from white list to black list.)