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Contents of config-path.cfg (Linux)

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 6:37 am
by beco
Dear support,

What exactly should the config-path.cfg file contains?

For now, I am using this line, and I created a folder ./factorio/config
But I am not sure if that is the correct way to set up.

Code: Select all

$ cat config-path.cfg 

#This value specifies the way the aplication generates default values for and path.write-data
#When set to true, it will use system directories (Users/Name/AppData/Roaming/Factorio on windows), this is set to true
#for the installer versions of Factorio, as people will usualy install it in program files, and the aplication can't write
#to program files by default (without UAC turned off), similar with osx/linux packages.
#When set to false (default value for zip package), it will use application root directory, this is usable to create self-sustainable
#Factorio directory that can be copied anywhere needed (on usb etc), also for people, who don't like to manipulate saves
#in the windows users directory structure (as me, kovarex).
#Note, that once the values in config are generated, this value has no effects (unless you delete config, or the values)
Thank you.


Re: Contents of config-path.cfg (Linux)

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 2:59 am
by beco
An answer from the official team would be greatly appreciated.