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[Klonan] [15.18] Steam Engine Entity missing tooltip information

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 3:13 pm
by Yandere
Steam engines have a maxmium power output of 900kw, a fluid consumption of 30/s, and a maximum temperature of 165° C. This information is presented to the player when they mouseover the tooltip for a steam engine in the crafting window, but not a placed steam engine entity. Without this information, there is no way to derive how much power a steam engine produces and power ratios (pump/boiler/engines) without empirical testing (which doesn't have a readily visible feedback without using the electrical interface) or looking the information up through third-party sources (i.e. wiki) and just taking their word for it. This primarily affects newer players, and it's easy to say "Oh well it's just 1:20:40", but for every newb that I've told that to, there's surely countless more who play the game without interfacing with any sort of community or looking things up in a wiki who can easily miss this information. On a similar note, fluid consumption rates for boilers are not listed on any tooltips in game, and must be derived from the liquid consumption and power generation of a steam engine, and the energy consumption of a boiler, an unintuitive process for new players.

Re: [Klonan] [15.18] Steam Engine Entity missing tooltip information

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 4:10 pm
by Klonan
Thanks for the report,

This is fixed in the next release