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Factorio Mod Launcher (Suggestion Topic)

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2017 9:49 pm
by drunkripper
Slowly, i've been working on a Factorio Mod Launcher for the community, and was wondering what all functions you would like it to serve.

So far i have:
- Instances (Multiple Games With Different Mods and Different Base Versions)
- Automatically update mods through the Factorio mod panel API
- Pack codes (Private and Public)

- (It's currently being coded in
So please, if you have any other ideas, let me know.

Also if some artsy people could make me a fancy Factorio-themed play button, that would be amazing(Vectorial Image if possible to allow for crisp scaling).

Re: Factorio Mod Launcher (Suggestion Topic)

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 1:28 am
by Factorie
Is there anything wrong with the currently-available mod launchers out there? I personally don't use any, but look into the complaints of those and see what you can do to improve on the current ones