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Possible to see breakdown of time usage by entity?
Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2017 5:57 pm
by iceman_1212
Is it possible for a player to see a breakdown of time usage (from the "Show time usage" debug option) by type of entity (e.g., inserters, belts, pipes, etc.)? For example, we saw the breakdown below from the devs in FFF #82 ( and I was curious if it's possible for players to see a similar breakdown of their factories (e.g., via a script).
I have done my best to optimize my factory so far and "entity updates" is now the primary sizeable usage.
Re: Possible to see breakdown of time usage by entity?
Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2017 1:39 am
by Rseding91
No, "entity update" is just "all entities that consume CPU time". AKA: everything you build in the world that does stuff. Belts, assembling machines, furnaces, radars, steam turbines, pipes, turrets and so on.
Re: Possible to see breakdown of time usage by entity?
Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 12:15 am
by daggot
I've wondered this too. We've hit the wall with our maps every time now. I would be great to know if some entities should be preferred over others. I assume we need to go more trains vs belts if at all possible, and it does seem that using more logistics over belts too.
Re: Possible to see breakdown of time usage by entity?
Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 2:36 pm
by AlienX
We were having issues in our mega base with entity update time.
I ran a few commands to remove all transport belts, splitters and underground belts from the map - and also to clear up the ground item clutter left behind as well... Then replaced all of the areas with silo'ed roboport networks.
Entity update went from about 17-18 (on a game speed of 100%) to around 8-9.
I would recommend replacing your belts with roboport networks, not a massive one either - silo them out and only connect other networks with ones that are necessary.
if you would like an example please feel free to drop me a PM and I can invite you to my server so you can see
Also, remove all fish - they are useless
Code: Select all
I typed this here, might be wrong...
/c for _, fish in game.player.surface.find_entities_filtered{name="fish"} do fish.destroy() end
Re: Possible to see breakdown of time usage by entity?
Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 6:06 am
by UrbanNinja
Do you mean absolutely all belts?
For example if I have a chain of furnaces, should I get a requester / provider chest combo for each and everyone of them?
Re: Possible to see breakdown of time usage by entity?
Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 10:56 am
by AlienX
Indeed Yeah, my mega base now has zero belts of any type, it's totally bot based