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[CANCELLED] creating a rail intersection test bed

Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 10:24 am
by impetus maximus
[UPDATE] i'm no longer doing this at the moment. see this thread for intersection maps. [/UPDATE]

i've been meaning to do this for a few months now, but haven't sat down to do it proper.

i hope to make a set of test worlds (0.15.*) to stress test/debug intersections. mainly 4 ways but can work for 3 way as well.
it will have a number of trains going to, and coming from each direction. if you know a way to layout the trains/stations
to increase the chance of dead locks (we want worst case scenarios) for the intersections, do speak up.

i want to compile a list of the most popular track spacing, and loco/wagon combos people use. it will start with 2 way (1 track each way)
and move up to double 2 way. trains will include double headed and one way trains.

please list what track spacing, number of lanes each way, and what loco/wagon setups you use.

aaargha has made a thread (now stickied) about intersections. we need a good test bed though!

Re: creating a rail intersection test bed (need your input)

Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 12:25 pm
by quinor
For me LLCCCC on 2-spaced rails (4 tiles between them), one lane in each direction. You coud add LCC (for smaller networks).

Re: creating a rail intersection test bed (need your input)

Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 4:26 pm
by Lav
Please add LCCC as well on the same rail setup.

Re: creating a rail intersection test bed (need your input)

Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 4:29 pm
by Distelzombie
Aaargha is actually making a good test bed as you can read in his comments. He'll make it available when he finished.
Since he has much more experience doing this and got a confidence boost now that his thread is stickied, I suggest you to wait a few days for him to finish.

Re: creating a rail intersection test bed (need your input)

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 4:05 pm
by Nich
Has anyone ever played with CCCCLL trains?

Re: creating a rail intersection test bed (need your input)

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 5:41 pm
by Lav
Nich wrote:Has anyone ever played with CCCCLL trains?
As far as I understand, they're functionally identical to LLCCCC.