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Power Armor Control [with image]

Posted: Sat May 27, 2017 8:21 pm
by BlackKnight
Factorio-Suggestion-PowerArmorControl.png (73.71 KiB) Viewed 3686 times
Scenario Example:
You arrive into your base and want to make some customizations to your factory. You use the hotkey/button on the power armor to power off the manual items in your suit:
- turning off your personal robotport to force construction bots in your logistic network to complete any tasks you request
- turning off some of your exoskeletons to slow down your movement to allow increased movement precision
- turning off your night vision to provide a better contrast in factory lit areas

As discussed, many players would also like customizable power armor presets to be implemented to save having to switch suits with different configurations of items. If this was implemented, this new power state could be saved along with the presets.

Re: Power Armor Control [with image]

Posted: Sat May 27, 2017 10:55 pm
by BHakluyt
I really like this idea. Give the player more control over their gadgets. The GUI concept seems good too.

Re: Power Armor Control [with image]

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2017 6:45 pm
by voddan
An additional use case:

- turning off the portable roboport before an alien base raid to prevent robots from getting out and being killed (they get out if your tank is damaged)

Re: Power Armor Control [with image]

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2017 8:13 pm
by BlackKnight
voddan wrote:An additional use case:

- turning off the portable roboport before an alien base raid to prevent robots from getting out and being killed (they get out if your tank is damaged)
Or even more typical to bots being damaged, a wall that is damaged and you use flamethrower to defend it while its being repaired. Result, many more deaths from over enthusiastic construction bots.

Re: Power Armor Control [with image]

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2017 5:57 am
by featherwinglove
I'm loving this one. A lot of people (especially LP youtuber Sandman, who I also think did Space Extension mod originally) have multiple armor builds, and change them based on circumstances. I also have several slow key mods for exoskeleton suits. I think we really need this; if nothing else provisions in the API so we can mod it in.

Re: Power Armor Control [with image]

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2017 7:34 am
by Engimage
I would propose to go even further.
You could assign a group number to equipment modules. Say you can have a fixed number of 3 groups total and each would have a hotkey assigned which will power up/dows these groups.
Then you could have say roboports at "#1", night vision at "#2" and exos at "#3" and switch them on/off fast.

As an alternative you could add a set of icons to bottom right (near weapons) which would represent a certain type of modules you have currently equipped and clicking them would enable/disable all of the modules of this type.

But first of all you need to introduce a Lua access to currently equipped armor grid (if one is not present yet) and introduce a module state (enabled/disabled) which could be switched by mods or maybe even by user manually (like a checkbox shown above). And then watch modders find a best way for extending this to a suitable GUI

Re: Power Armor Control [with image]

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2017 5:10 am
by featherwinglove
PacifyerGrey wrote:I would propose to go even further.
You could assign a group number to equipment modules.
As a massive Kerbal Space Program fan (i.e. it has hardware action groups on spacecraft exactly as you describe), I feel really :roll: for not thinking of it myself.