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Prototype-class propertys

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 1:06 pm
by boonstyle
Hi there,

i would like to know if there is some kind of description of the attributes every prototype class has or if there is a simple way to extract them all into some kind of csv, json or so on? Im not getting along well with the documentation so far. Especially since i dont know exactly which entity does possess which class-attribute.

Sincerly boon

Re: Prototype-class propertys

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 2:32 pm
by DaveMcW
Something like this? ... r/data.raw

That page was made in 0.14, but you can run the script at top to generate your own.

Re: Prototype-class propertys

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 2:47 pm
by boonstyle
DaveMcW wrote:Something like this? ... r/data.raw

That page was made in 0.14, but you can run the script at top to generate your own.
Hi there,

thats exactly what i was looking for. Big thx for information now i can start creating a gui-based item editor :D

Sincerly boon