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Mouse / Touchscreen / Keyboard only interface
Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 2:37 am
by y.petremann
Factorio has really configurable controls, I think they are not sufficiently configurable because we can't play the game entirely with the keyboard or with Mouse / Touchscreen.
This topic doesn't treat already changeable controls.
Here the main common problem I've found :
- Mouse / Touchscreen only
- Option to close windows (Close button widget to close openend windows or clicking outside of a window would close it)
- Button widget to access Inventory, Technology, Production, Informations World map features and pause menu
- Keyboard only
- Option to handle entity placement only with the keyboard (having the cursor in front of the player, and if he can't move, pushing the cursor beyond that direction)
- Option to handle inventory and gui (menu, ) navigation only with the keyboard
Changes by moderator below
Related stuff
viewtopic.php?f=80&t=307 Gamepad/controller support (also keybinding)
viewtopic.php?f=80&t=25782 Improvements of the Graphical User Interface (GUI)
Suggestions (only newer ones)
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=30952 Close GUI with mouse
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=32518 Keyboard equivalents on the start-game menus
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=32948 Moving by mouse
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=33082 New UI/UX Arrangement+ idea [With Image Execution]
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=34058 Factorio integration with Rival 700 mouse feedback system
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=34487 Add 2 options for zoom in and out
Re: Mouse / Touchscreen / Keyboard only interface
Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 8:19 am
by ssilk
I think mainly to secondary (tertiary) keys. I remember that from Battlefield, that for every action I could define two controls.
Also - very cool - was the joystick-support, which could be linked to some specialized actions.
Re: Mouse / Touchscreen / Keyboard only interface
Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 9:52 pm
by y.petremann
ssilk wrote:I think mainly to secondary (tertiary) keys. I remember that from Battlefield, that for every action I could define two controls.
Also - very cool - was the joystick-support, which could be linked to some specialized actions.
All thing I've posted is for alternate ways to control the game, I think that your right, we should have the possibility to add secondary controls (excluding controller)
I've don't describbed touchscreen only things because it seems more complex to implement touchscreen interface since it's like "a mouse with only one button", and with actual modifier (Ctrl / Shift), it makes the game like having 6 mouse buttons. But actually I play Factorio with a graphic tablet which is reat appart from having to use the keyboard to move and access some features.
I originally added controller (idea based on XBox360 controller which has great support on Windows, Mac and Linux) but if Factorio coulld support Mouse only and Keyboard only interfaces, it would be a pieace of cake and for now I think the developpers should not have this in priority. Finally, I think that suporting specificaly Controllers would make Factorio playable in the living room.
Re: Mouse / Touchscreen / Keyboard only interface
Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 10:34 pm
by Turtle
ssilk wrote:I think mainly to secondary (tertiary) keys. I remember that from Battlefield, that for every action I could define two controls.
Also - very cool - was the joystick-support, which could be linked to some specialized actions.
Many, many games offer alternate keybind support. I was actually surprised Factorio didn't have it so it would be great if this would be implemented. I'm often eating or something and play with one hand. So if I have something in my left hand, I'd like to use the arrow keys to move my character. This would also greatly improve combat since it'll be MUCH easier to move your character while switching between weapons/capsules/shooting.
Re: Mouse / Touchscreen / Keyboard only interface
Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 10:11 am
by cpy
I have to add some ideas to this.
R - rotates item, shift+R rotates item in opposite direction
In vehicle - you drive normally -> shift + movement will get 1/3 of turning speed so you can do precise maneuvers when navigating long curves.
Re: Mouse / Touchscreen / Keyboard only interface
Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 10:03 pm
by ssilk
Re: Mouse / Touchscreen / Keyboard only interface
Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 7:08 am
by krux02
I fund this thread and I would like to dig it out again, because I really think that that the controls should be redone. There are some problems. I would like to be able to play mouse only, so also walk around maybe like in Diablo. Then an option to play keyboard only, so keys to move windows and to move a selector in windows. And also important interesting for me, because I tend to play Factorio for really long streaks gampad support. And when we have all that local multiplayer

who needs lag if you can play on one computer with all your friends.
Re: Mouse / Touchscreen / Keyboard only interface
Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 12:45 am
by y.petremann
krux02 wrote:I fund this thread and I would like to dig it out again, because I really think that that the controls should be redone. There are some problems. I would like to be able to play mouse only, so also walk around maybe like in Diablo. Then an option to play keyboard only, so keys to move windows and to move a selector in windows. And also important interesting for me, because I tend to play Factorio for really long streaks gampad support. And when we have all that local multiplayer

who needs lag if you can play on one computer with all your friends.
There is point I haven't put originaly because before having these methods made, I've thinked that some methods needed to be done.
In factorio the player is always centered, so making movements depending of maintaining a click in a direction should be easy with a software like glovepie.
Same for gamepad support.
You've won a really good point with a possibility to move windows, I suggest using ALT-arrow to move them, that was things I suggested with "Option to handle inventory and gui (menu, ) navigation only with the keyboard" but I wasn't explicit to accord a high degree of liberty for the developers.
Next, for those with multiple screen, a possibility to extend to these and have one screen per player could be good, as I think, even with 1080p, I don't have enough space.
Re: Mouse / Touchscreen / Keyboard only interface
Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 5:55 pm
by Troubledove
I think touchscreen support would be investment to the future, these tablets that are basically mouseless/keyboardless PC's are getting more and more common. Got one week ago (teclast tbook 11) and checked if Factorio works on it. It runs really nice but the UI is almost impossible to control in tablet mode only - as my main reason to get tablet was to be able to do play/enjoy while on the commute keyboard/mouse is not an option really despite my unit shipping with one.
Factorio is also game that has the kind of gameplay that suits well to a tablet, its not FPS and requires no/limited instant feedback.
There are actually really low number of good real games that have touchscreen controls/support, so it might even mean whole new customer base.
Re: Mouse / Touchscreen / Keyboard only interface
Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2017 10:02 am
by PlaysWithOneHand
I'd like to add to this topic, that when I tried the Factorio Demo I realized that I don't enjoy the WASD-movement and that's why I haven't bought the game yet.
I really like games like Prison Architect or Rimworld, and Factorio looks great to me, but I like to relax while playing those types of games, lay back, coffee in one hand and exclusively use the mouse to control the game. I think building and fighting in Factorio could also be realized with mouse only controls (like a mix of Rimworld and Diablo or RTS controls).
So, this is my +1 for this feature request.
Re: Mouse / Touchscreen / Keyboard only interface
Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2017 2:55 pm
by MrBrain
I've played Factorio couple of hours and loved the game a lot, but keyboard+mouse control is not convienent to me because of my health so i have some ideas about improving controls which are easy to add, these things may be useful for many players. I posted this on steam forum firstly but seems like moderators haven't read it as there are a lot of suggestions, so i decided to write here too, i hope that here they read and think about it, also maybe some ideas was not suggested before:
1. Mouse only controls:
a) Walking may be done by holding or clicking rmb, may be toggled in options.
b) Delete items by toggle a new button, like in RTS, may also be done by mmb.
c) Button to toggle autofire, may also be done by mmb if not set as b).
d) Close button to all windows, actually i don't know why it is not already here.
e) Rotating may be done by wheel when you hold or point on an object, may also be done by mmb if not set as b) or c).
d) Button to toggle inventory, like in RPG.
All these things may be added separately if not possible to add all at once for now.
2. Gamepad support - actually i haven't seen any things yet which can't be done via gamepad, one stick to move, another to point cursor.
I think that Factorio is more like RTS than Action/Survival game so mouse only controls will be ideal for such game.
Re: Mouse / Touchscreen / Keyboard only interface
Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2017 7:54 pm
by ssilk
Hi, 1. what do you mean with "delete items"? I think you mean collect items (normally key F).
For Gamepad support have a look at
viewtopic.php?f=69&t=17126 A Guide for the Steam Controller and Bindings
Re: Mouse / Touchscreen / Keyboard only interface
Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2017 1:17 pm
by MrBrain
ssilk wrote:Hi, 1. what do you mean with "delete items"? I think you mean collect items (normally key F).
For Gamepad support have a look at
viewtopic.php?f=69&t=17126 A Guide for the Steam Controller and Bindings
1. No, i mean deleting buildings, sry for a wrong word. For now it is done by holding rmb, so to free rmb for walking it can be done by toggling new button like in Cities: Skylines as example or by mmb. Also i foregot to write about mining, it can be done the same way, by new button to dig or by mmb.
2. I've read it but i have only simple xbox like gamepad, steam controllers are very expensive and triggers looks very inconvienent to me.
Re: Mouse / Touchscreen / Keyboard only interface
Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 10:11 am
by MrBrain
Hello! I've just read that devs are working on some UI update and wanted to ask if there are some plans towards mouse/gamepad/touchscreen only controls or any work on improving controls isn't planned?
Re: Mouse / Touchscreen / Keyboard only interface
Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2021 10:57 pm
by MakeItGraphic
One thing that bothers me is the main menu, in the mod menu I can use the keyboard on the list but no where else. Not having an accessible/proper mouse while playing is a bit of pain. I know some keys still work such as escape would be great if the arrow keys worked as well. Even when you start a new game the arrow keys work on the list but not the enter key, then when entering map settings only the seed/desc is tabbable.