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Interaction with another player, abilty to see what another want to build

Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 11:45 am
by aklesey1
I want that in a game there was an opportunity to see the cursor of other player, with his name and color under his cursor
How do you like the idea to carry out the beam proceeding from other player and corresponding to color of this player with item under his cursor, something similar can be seen if you played in Watch_Dogs, it is also possible to introduce a regime for shutdown of the mode of display of cursors of other players

Re: Interaction with another player, abilty to see what another want to build

Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 12:24 pm
by JohnyDL
I do see your point but half the time one item in hand isn't enough to tell you what someone is doing, if they want to share the bigger picture they can blueprint and you can help by filling in but the rest of the time it's not sensible at all. in watch dogs seeing where your teammates are looking and might be firing or are interacting with something is useful if they're doing it you don't have to, in factorio you're not limited to working within spitting distance of other players all the time not everyone is on top one another except very early game and knowing what's in someone's hand and where they're about to click isn't enough information to tell what they're doing anyway. it's probably only information you'd likely get only fractions of a second before they click, and if they're highlighting something it might be to deconstruct or to interact or to read stats

Where do you see this being useful give an example :)

Re: Interaction with another player, abilty to see what another want to build

Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 1:14 pm
by aklesey1
Sometimes its really hard to understand what ur partner want to build, blueprints is useful but not so good for explanation and i must toggle off my construction bots and nano construction bots to simply watch for this blueprint first, what if it not right to build?
Ш have given comparison with a Watch_Dogs because its easy to understand/ just look for connections for other links in this game, it is simple and evident

Re: Interaction with another player, abilty to see what another want to build

Posted: Tue May 23, 2017 4:44 am
by JohnyDL
okay I have a belt in my hand in my game right now, I'm near the end of a belts line and while I'm not moving my cursor is, back and fourth and side to side without rotation. You can see I only have one belt in my inventory what am I trying to do?

Am I
A) trying to tell you to extend the belts you're close I can see you have the belts to do it I'm sending you a clear signal to do something
B) just moving my mouse near you to annoy the living daylights out of you because I can
C) building a blueprint in my head before construction for something more complicated than I can explain or blueprint in one go
D) None of the above

The same thing gives the signal "help me", "TROLLING YOU LOLZ" and "Yeah give me 5 minutes"

The whole robots filling in when you don't want to is another discussion going on in other threads and would you're right be helpful. This has far more abuses than help factor, an alternative is Discord where you can actually talk things out with people and isn't an added drain on ingame functions (keeping you updated of every other cursor and vice versa isn't as trivial as updating the map in my experience.