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[0.15.12] follower robot count research missing "7"

Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 4:17 pm
by Vetinary
The tech-tree for follower robot count research got steps 1-6 and then 8, but no 7.

In addition there is no clear indication wether this is infinite research or not. Every (other) infinite research got the "[6,7,8,whatever]-infinite sign" marker in the bottom right corner. Follower robot research got either the 1-6 or 8 in the bottom right coner, but also a infinite sign in the top right when there is the 8 in the bottom right.

Edit: allright, so researching the "8" does change the tech tree to 1-6 and 9. I guess it is not a bug, but misinterpretation of the ui. There shuld not be a gap in the tech tree, between the pre unlimited research and the current one.
The problem with the different style of marking the research as infinite still persists.

Re: [0.15.12] follower robot count research missing "7"

Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 5:03 pm
by DaveMcW
Not a bug. There is only one infinite tech in the tree (your highest one), to prevent it from growing infinitely large.