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add incompatible field to info.json

Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 8:00 am
by Optera
Currently there's no clean way to tell users other mods are incompatible.
We can throw an error or set the optional requirement to ludicrous version numbers. Both options are very confusing to players.

Having a field incompatibilities working like dependencies would resolve this.
Unlike dependencies it should take version < and version >= to exclude versions too far behind and ahead.

Re: add incompatible field to info.json

Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 8:05 am
by Nexela
Another option would be an expansion to the settings/data stage to throw a custom error message

if mods["incompatible-mod"] then disable_mods_error("incompatible-mod", "string reason") end

When the loader gets to this stage it would throw the typical disable error window however there would be an additional button

[disable my-mod (ie the mod that raised the error)] [disable incompatible-mod] [disable all-mods] [quit] [restart]