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question about 0.15

Posted: Sun May 14, 2017 6:55 pm
by chuz
i play on 0.14 (almost 100hours of playtime) and i find it hard to expand my base because my base is surrounded by aliens (there is a lot of behemoth) and it take long time to secure a big area to expand my base. I use tower creep.

does 0.15 make the expansion lategame easier ?

Re: question about 0.15

Posted: Sun May 14, 2017 7:31 pm
by Tekky
Yes, it does, if you want it to. You can also make it harder to expand. There are many custom difficulty settings in 0.15, such as rate of expansion of the enemies and also how much the evolution factor increases.

Re: question about 0.15

Posted: Sun May 14, 2017 7:31 pm
by Kelderek
In the late game you have some new weaponry like uranium ammo, cannon shells and the atomic bomb. But your early and mid game methods will be basically the same as in 0.14.

There are also more options available at map generation to fine tune things like biter expansion and evolution in 0.15.

Re: question about 0.15

Posted: Sun May 14, 2017 8:07 pm
by AcolyteOfRocket
You should be able to load your existing game into 0.15, beware the science changes (and do a backup first ;-) )

If you don't like what you see, you can reset to 0.14 again and load your backup.

Personally I recommend the atom bomb, but the stack of 20 I took out on my last jaunt was too small, next time I'm taking 50 ;-)

Re: question about 0.15

Posted: Sun May 14, 2017 10:03 pm
by BLuehasia
using the tank is way more effective in.15

Re: question about 0.15

Posted: Mon May 15, 2017 3:16 am
by BenSeidel
Fill up with cluster grenades, put on a couple of shields and as many personal laser defenses you can manage and just run round obliterating everything. If that is too slow, do some damage research (grenade, shooting speed & bullet damage), load up with uranium ammo and just walk through everything.

If that is still too slow, then destroyer capsules for that extra oomph.

Re: question about 0.15

Posted: Mon May 15, 2017 3:31 am
by Frightning
chuz wrote:i play on 0.14 (almost 100hours of playtime) and i find it hard to expand my base because my base is surrounded by aliens (there is a lot of behemoth) and it take long time to secure a big area to expand my base. I use tower creep.

does 0.15 make the expansion lategame easier ?
If you haven't gone to 0.15 yet, to deal w/ bases in endgame, use the Flamethrower and Power Armor MK2 with 4x Fusion reactors and 9x Energy shield MK2 (yes, with 4 reactors you actually have enough power to make good use of that many shields). Destroyer capsules are also effective, but expensive to mass produce (and will need lots of them to have enough DPS to kill behemoths in a timely fashion.

Re: question about 0.15

Posted: Mon May 15, 2017 12:06 pm
by saturn7
Suppose you have a missile with an explosion radius (35) greater than your shooting range (25), and it kills everything inside that radius, so you actually have to run away hard after shooting it. And supppose you have 200 (or as much as you like, really) combat robots that do twice as much damage as in 0.14. And that's only the tip of the iceberg :)

Yes, endgame expansion is easier. A lot. You won't ever need to tower creep.