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[0.15.10] Heat pipe woes

Posted: Sun May 14, 2017 8:11 am
by Fatmice

I'm trying to create a furnace that uses heat as energy. It works. The issue is the heat pipe doesn't automatically connect to the entity, like heat exchanger or reactor, upon placement. I have to mine the heat pipe and replace it for the connection to occur. Anyone knows what is going on?

Re: Heat pipe woes

Posted: Sun May 14, 2017 8:32 am
by Fatmice
I've been informed by Rseding91 that this is a bug. Thus this thread should be moved to bug section by a mod please.

Re: Heat pipe woes

Posted: Sun May 14, 2017 8:36 pm
by ssilk

Re: [0.15.10] Heat pipe woes

Posted: Mon May 15, 2017 2:24 pm
by bobingabout
I was actually experimenting with this last night.

They don't actually rotate with the entity either, where on the boiler they rotate with it. So if you define it as being on the south, it's always on the south.

I also tried Assembling machine with the same issue.

Re: [0.15.10] Heat pipe woes

Posted: Fri May 19, 2017 4:38 am
by Rseding91
Should be fixed for the next version of 0.15.