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[15.10] [kovarex] Switching recipes in furnaces with Productivity modules gives strange results

Posted: Sat May 13, 2017 2:21 pm
by terror_gnom
I was testing my smart furnace setup and got sometimes realy strange Itemcounts. When you smelt 4 Iron/Copper ore, then switch to steel for 1 craft and then back to iron or copper ore, it will give you 3 plates.

place electric furnace
drop 2 Prod3 modules in
smelt 4 copper ore => get 4 copper plates
smelt 5 iron plates => get 1 steel
smelt 1 copper ore => get 3 copper plates :?:

If you switch more often through recipies, it will produce even stranger numbers...

Re: [15.10] Switching recipes in furnaces with Productivity modules gives strange results

Posted: Tue May 23, 2017 9:03 am
by terror_gnom
No bug?

Re: [15.10] Switching recipes in furnaces with Productivity modules gives strange results

Posted: Tue May 23, 2017 9:37 am
by Loewchen
I can still reproduce this with 15.12.

Might be fixed by this: viewtopic.php?f=30&t=48082

Re: [15.10] [kovarex] Switching recipes in furnaces with Productivity modules gives strange results

Posted: Tue May 23, 2017 12:43 pm
by kovarex
Fixed for 0.15.13.

The bonus progress bar will reset whenever the recipe changes.

Re: [15.10] [kovarex] Switching recipes in furnaces with Productivity modules gives strange results

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 11:35 pm
by Ober3550
kovarex wrote:Fixed for 0.15.13.

The bonus progress bar will reset whenever the recipe changes.
I'm wondering how much of a hassle and or memory problem to store the productivity value of some of the products if not all. Because otherwise when going from something like iron to steel the output production will be lower due to the productivity resetting every time the recipe changes.

EDIT: I've been doing some testing and I've found that production bonuses will sometimes not work after 5 items which is weird because the purple bar will be right at the end. There are ways to stop the loss of the production bonus for iron, copper, brick but not steel. So if anything it'd be important or useful to store that percentage when switching recipes.