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Nuclear Power Controlable use

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 1:37 am
by Shaylexios
After seeing a few different designs for nuclear power i came up with this one to use as backup power
Nuclear Power.png
Nuclear Power.png (1.75 MiB) Viewed 2997 times
Steam Turbine.png
Steam Turbine.png (2.02 MiB) Viewed 2997 times
It uses steam storage and will only insert one fuel cell at a time, the next will only be placed in upon 2 conditions being met, the first is that an empty cell is removed, and the second can be what ever you want, in this case the input being when steam falls bellow a certain level.

By reading hand contents and overriding stack size it allows the inserter to input one fuel cell then stop until that empty cell is taken out.

the nice bit about this setup is that it requires no priming just place and off it will go

I set the second input to activate when steam falls below 2000 in one tank, this gives the reactors enough time to heat up to maintain power levels, it will switch off again when steam hits 4000 in the same tank this could be used for main power or backup or whichever combination you want.
Let me know what you think

Power Plant Code

Steam Turbine Code

Re: Nuclear Power Controlable use

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 5:48 am
by AndrewIRL
Those heat pipes look quite long. No problems there?

[0.15.1] Non-Conducting heat pipes after 60 tile

Re: Nuclear Power Controlable use

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 6:04 am
by Shaylexios
This was just a theoretical setup obviously it could be made more compact, ive only made it in creative mode never actually used it in an actual factory but it outputs a consistent 800MW when the steam storage runs out which is the max output of the reactors arranged that way, with the storage it will peak at 928MW

Re: Nuclear Power Controlable use

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 7:32 am
by MeduSalem
AndrewIRL wrote:Those heat pipes look quite long. No problems there?

[0.15.1] Non-Conducting heat pipes after 60 tile
It will face the heatpipe problem if placed by robots. But if you do it manually from the reactors towards the Heat Exchangers you can have unlimited length.