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Iron and Copper Loading from a single Train Station
Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 5:56 am
by dragontamer5788
I looked around, and I can't seem to see anybody posting a solution to this yet. But anyway, here's a concept of a "universal train loader" (demonstrated with just Iron / Copper).
Simple Youtube Video:
4 Arithmetic Combinators, effectively implementing "-2000 + (X Modulo 2000)", and then manipulating those values to determine when a train is likely close to being full. Modulo 2000 works for any stack of 50, 100, or 200 (which is the vast majority of items in the game). If you're going to be loading barrels however, you will want to use "Modulo 400" (which would detect whenever the trains are almost loaded to a value divisible by 400). I'd expect a more significant slowdown however in that case. Two Decider Combinators were needed to "standardize" the Train-contents to "Signal 0" (That is, Input = "Each", and Output="Signal0"), so that this would work on any train (as long as the cargo-waagon filters of each train were set)
X Modulo 2000 is implemented as "((X+2000) / 2000) * -2000", and the addition is implemented by using red and green wires at the same time.
The youtube video is a demonstration of this Iron/Copper design in creative mode. I hope its self-explanatory, but I'm willing to take questions if anyone is confused about the design.
Re: Iron and Copper Loading from a single Train Station
Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 2:34 pm
by cartmen180
Set a cargo filter on the wagon and have one side loading iron, the other side loading copper. No circuit magic needed. Of course it's only half speed that way.
Re: Iron and Copper Loading from a single Train Station
Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 5:28 pm
by dragontamer5788
cartmen180 wrote:Set a cargo filter on the wagon and have one side loading iron, the other side loading copper. No circuit magic needed. Of course it's only half speed that way.
Not only is that methodology 1/2 as fast, it isn't scalable either.
Since Requester Chests hold 48 stacks, with 12-chests per wagon, this methodology can support up to 14-different items (as long as all those items have the same stack size). For example, I can load Iron Plates, Copper Plates, Gears, Inserters, Yellow Belts, Grenades, Batteries, and Processing Units (all stack-size 100) from this singular combinatory. Actually, since this is based on a "modulo" methodology, it'd also work for stack-size 50 and 200 (working for Green Circuits, Red Circuits, Electric Engines, and more). So I can theoretically run a factory of all science-packs off of these 1-1 wagons originating from the same rail-stations (3x parallel rail stations to maximize throughput)
The restriction is that this methodology requires 1-1 wagons. Unfortunately, that's not scalable either. I've completed a new pulse-count methodology that works with any number of wagons using 4-Decider Combinators and 2-Arithmetic Combinators.
Re: Iron and Copper Loading from a single Train Station
Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 6:30 am
by iceman_1212
just to make sure i'm understanding it conceptually, is the idea to reduce stack size of the inserters as the chests approach full so as not to be left with inserters holding either iron or copper plate? i have a multiloading station that i'm wondering if i can use this for.
it's like having sushi trains in addition to sushi belts

Re: Iron and Copper Loading from a single Train Station
Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 10:02 am
by Aeternus
Might be simpler to just kill 5 of the 6 inserters when cargo is 50 from full (gives the remainder enough time to complete their current cargo move, they'll go to an idle position without cargo if disabled). Then you can throttle the stack size of the last one as needed. If you use a counter and count the items on the inserter arms, you can keep track how much is inserted per wagon, and make this design expandable beyond a single wagon.
Re: Iron and Copper Loading from a single Train Station
Posted: Fri May 12, 2017 4:39 pm
by dragontamer5788
iceman_1212 wrote:just to make sure i'm understanding it conceptually, is the idea to reduce stack size of the inserters as the chests approach full so as not to be left with inserters holding either iron or copper plate? i have a multiloading station that i'm wondering if i can use this for.
it's like having sushi trains in addition to sushi belts

Its only a "Sushi Train Station", but yeah, that's the idea! A full "Sushi Train" seem absurdly complicated! I don't know how to handle that quite yet.
I actually turn off 11 of the 12 inserters at "132 away". Then I set the stack-size of the final inserter, which will finish loading the train within 11-swings. So its not "quite" maximum speed, but its close.
Aeternus wrote:Might be simpler to just kill 5 of the 6 inserters when cargo is 50 from full (gives the remainder enough time to complete their current cargo move, they'll go to an idle position without cargo if disabled). Then you can throttle the stack size of the last one as needed. If you use a counter and count the items on the inserter arms, you can keep track how much is inserted per wagon, and make this design expandable beyond a single wagon.
Yeah, I finished that with my "Version 2", although I haven't posted that blueprint yet. I'm trying to figure out how to make a base that fully takes advantage of this mechanism however.
"Version 2" has 4 Decider Combinators and 2 arithmetic combinators per wagon. I reset on "yellow" signal.