Normal vs expensive technology
Posted: Sat May 06, 2017 2:36 pm
I'm a bit confused by the normal vs expensive setting for technology. If I change the recipe setting from normal to expensive I can see the effect, green circuits cost1 iron 3 copper under normal and 2 iron 10 copper under expensive. Researching Tool tool belts at the normal technology setting takes 30 seconds and 100 each red and green science. If I change the setting to expensive, but leave the multiplier at 1 it seems that the research cost for expensive remains the same as normal. Adjusting the multiplier increases cost of course but I'm surprised that there's no change between normal and expensive if the multiplier is left at 1, or am I missing something? Follow on question, is there a way to change the research cost multiplier after the games been started? I'm trying to play a railworld/marathon hybrid and while I've got recipe costs where I'd like them research comes too quickly.