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[REQUEST] Mass Reactions

Posted: Fri May 05, 2017 7:53 am
by giimer
Current reactions are too fussy. Please slow down the reactions and make them massive. Examples:

Original 1 iron ore + one second = 1 iron plate
Change 100 iron ore + 100 seconds = 100 iron plates.

Original 10 crude oil + 5 seconds = 3 Heavy oil + 3 Light oil + 4 Petroleum gas
Change 1000 crude oil + 500 seconds = 300 Heavy oil + 300 Light oil + 400 Petroleum gas

I saw a modification of Fluid Cubes. It automatically changes all reactions with liquids. I assume that you can make a modification to automatically change all reactions.

I do not speak English, the text is created by an automatic translator. I apologize for the bad grammar.

текущие реакции слишком суетливые. Прошу замедлить реакции и сделать их массовыми. Примеры:

Оригинал 1 железная руда+одна секунда=1 железная плита
Изменение 100 железная руда+100 секунд=100 железных плат.

Оригинал 10 сырая нефть+5 секунд=3 Heavy oil+3 Light oil+4 Petroleum gas
Изменение 1000 сырая нефть+500 секунд=300 Heavy oil+300 Light oil+400 Petroleum gas

Я видел модификацию Fluid Cubes. Она автоматически меняет все реакции с жидкостями. Я предполагаю, что можно сделать модификацию для автоматического изменения всех реакций.

Я не говорю по английски, текст создан автоматическим переводчиком. Я прошу прощения за плохую грамматику.

Re: [REQUEST] Mass Reactions

Posted: Fri May 05, 2017 12:16 pm
by DedlySpyder
So, just multiply every number by 100?

Re: [REQUEST] Mass Reactions

Posted: Fri May 05, 2017 12:52 pm
by giimer
DedlySpyder wrote:So, just multiply every number by 100?
On 100. Or on other number which the creator of a fashion considers correct. Or to give the chance to change in a config.

На 100. Или на иное число, которое создатель мода посчитает правильным. Или дать возможность менять в конфиге.

Re: [REQUEST] Mass Reactions

Posted: Fri May 05, 2017 1:12 pm
by Ranakastrasz
I think ima make a mod like this.
Just 10x tho. Early game would be problematic, and stack size might make 100x break for steel and oil stuff.
Still, I think logic exists letting stack size be partly ignored in these cases, so maybe.

Re: [REQUEST] Mass Reactions

Posted: Fri May 05, 2017 5:35 pm
by giimer
I do not insist on x100. If you think x10 is better then I will not argue. Control via config, if possible.

Я не настаиваю на х100. Если вы полагаете, что х10 лучше то я не буду спорить. Контроллировать через конфиг, если это возможно.

Re: [REQUEST] Mass Reactions

Posted: Fri May 05, 2017 6:16 pm
by orzelek
Just make the multiplier a startup config variable and let users play around :D

Maybe duplicate the recipes instead of updating them and make the big ones only automatically craftable. It would add a lot of recipes tho.

Re: [REQUEST] Mass Reactions

Posted: Fri May 05, 2017 7:05 pm
by Ranakastrasz
Around half done. Got it effecting absolutely everything, except it doesn't effect multiple-output stuff properly.
Haven't written a filter yet, and have no idea how to make a mod config yet.]
Would be much easiser if I hadn't just been doing Java... Keep forgetting end, do, and then...

Re: [REQUEST] Mass Reactions

Posted: Fri May 05, 2017 7:24 pm
by Ranakastrasz
Not a finished mod by any means, but its a start. No config options, and I just added a bunch of stuff.
Need to get back to schoolwork.

Gears, sticks, Cable.
All 3 circuits.
Oil processing
Solid Fuel
Lubricant, Sulfur, Acid
Plastic, Explosives, Batteries,

I considered adding ammo and science packs, but those can't really be claimed to be intermediaries.
Same with Rails, concrete, and landfill.

To change it, unzip and go into the prototypes/overrides.lua file

Change the multiplier at the top from 10 to 100 or whatever you want.

At the bottom, there are a bunch of lines

Code: Select all

Add or remove them to add or remove what is effected.

Re: [REQUEST] Mass Reactions

Posted: Sat May 06, 2017 8:02 am
by giimer
I looked at the modification. My request you understood correctly. Thank you.

However, you write the reactions manually. Even in the original game of reactions very much. So I use Angel's, Bob and Yuoki modifications, they add reactions even more.
I saw a modification of Fluidcubes.
This modification does not prescribe the reaction manually, it automatically modifies and adds recipes. Can you use it as a model for your modification?


Я посмотрел модификацию. Мою просьбу вы поняли верно. Спасибо.

Однако вы пишете реакции вручную. Даже в оригинальной игре реакций очень много. так же я использую Angel's, Bob и Yuoki модификации, добавляемых ими реакций ещё больше.
Я видел модификацию Fluidcubes.
Эта модификация не прописывает реакции вручную, она автоматически изменяет и добавляет рецепты. Можете ли вы использовать её как образец для своей модификации?

Re: [REQUEST] Mass Reactions

Posted: Sat May 06, 2017 2:13 pm
by Ranakastrasz
Well, I was in a rush at the time, and am uncertain currently how to filter the recipes to modify.

I think if I look at the result items and check if they are placable it might work. Anything not placable would be modified. This would however effect some things I am not certain if I want effected...

Re: [REQUEST] Mass Reactions

Posted: Sat May 06, 2017 2:44 pm
by Aeternus
Easy enough to mod this. Copy the existing furnace, create a "Bulk Furnace" that just multiplies input, fuel requirements, time and output by your desired factor. But honestly, I don't see what you gain from this... Any existing furnace can be turned into a bulk one simply by shoving a wooden chest inbetween input and output.

Re: [REQUEST] Mass Reactions

Posted: Sat May 06, 2017 2:56 pm
by giimer
Aeternus wrote:Easy enough to mod this. Copy the existing furnace, create a "Bulk Furnace" that just multiplies input, fuel requirements, time and output by your desired factor. But honestly, I don't see what you gain from this... Any existing furnace can be turned into a bulk one simply by shoving a wooden chest inbetween input and output.
In addition to the oven, there are other machines. The sorter of the angels' ore. Bob's electronics collector. Yuoki ore crusher. Greenhouse for growing trees. A lot others.

Reactions are too fast. Especially if you use accelerating beacons. For example, sorting the ore of angels. Input is one type of ore. Output of six types of ore. The manipulator takes from the last occupied slot. Process

One sort cycle
Manipulator takes ore 6
Manipulator takes ore 5
One sort cycle
Manipulator takes ore 6
Manipulator takes ore 5
The first slot is full. Sorting stops until the manipulator clears all slots.
One sort cycle
Manipulator takes ore 6
Manipulator takes ore 5
One sort cycle
Manipulator takes ore 6
Manipulator takes ore 5


Кроме печи есть другие машины. Сортировщик руды ангелов. Сборщик электроники Боба. Дробилка руды Yuoki. Greenhouse для выращивания деревьев. Многие другие.

Реакции слишком быстрые. Особенно если использовать ускоряющие маяки. Например сортировка руды ангелов. Вход-один тип руды. Выход шесть видов руды. Манипулятор берёт из последнего занятого слота.

Один цикл сортировки
манипулятор забирает руду 6
манипулятор забирает руду 5
один цикл сортировки
манипулятор забирает руду 6
манипулятор забирает руду 5
Первый слот забит. Сортировка останавливается пока манипулятор не очистит все слоты.
Один цикл сортировки
манипулятор забирает руду 6
манипулятор забирает руду 5
один цикл сортировки
манипулятор забирает руду 6
манипулятор забирает руду 5

Re: [REQUEST] Mass Reactions

Posted: Sat May 06, 2017 3:43 pm
by Ranakastrasz
Ran a quick test, turns out, You can no longer make a pickaxe at the start of the game because you can't make a batch of iron sticks.

Thinking of making you start with a free pickaxe, if you don't already have one. Or maybe just 2 sticks....

Re: [REQUEST] Mass Reactions

Posted: Sat May 06, 2017 6:12 pm
by giimer
Ranakastrasz wrote:Ran a quick test, turns out, You can no longer make a pickaxe at the start of the game because you can't make a batch of iron sticks.

Thinking of making you start with a free pickaxe, if you don't already have one. Or maybe just 2 sticks....
If you change all the reactions, then at one time a batch of 100 picks will be created. I think it's better to add 2-5 picks from the very beginning.

Если менять все реакции то за один раз будет создаваться партия из 100 кирок. Я думаю лучше добавить 2-5 кирок с самого начала.

Re: [REQUEST] Mass Reactions

Posted: Sat May 06, 2017 6:20 pm
by Ranakastrasz
I am only changing intermediary reactions, which is to say items that cannot be directly used. Except maybe stone bricks, and iron sticks.

Tools are being excluded.

Re: [REQUEST] Mass Reactions

Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 3:20 pm
by giimer
Ranakastrasz wrote:I am only changing intermediary reactions, which is to say items that cannot be directly used. Except maybe stone bricks, and iron sticks.

Tools are being excluded.
Will this affect Angel's, Yuoki and other modifications?

Это затронет Aнгелов, Yuoki и другие модицикации?

Re: [REQUEST] Mass Reactions

Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 3:31 pm
by Ranakastrasz
It will, but I'm not done with it yet.

Need to figure out how Bobs Mod library figures out item types first, and then I actually need more free-time. It will effect other mods when I get it working.

Re: [REQUEST] Mass Reactions

Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 4:33 pm
by giimer
Ranakastrasz wrote:It will, but I'm not done with it yet.

Need to figure out how Bobs Mod library figures out item types first, and then I actually need more free-time. It will effect other mods when I get it working.
I will wait as long as necessary. Thank you very much

Я буду ждать столько, сколько необходимо. Большое вам спасибо

Re: [REQUEST] Mass Reactions

Posted: Mon May 15, 2017 8:08 pm
by Ranakastrasz
Almost ready, just testing a few things. Barrels are misbehaving, not 100% sure why, but I just installed Angel's refining to test it. mostly seems to be working.

~30 minutes

... Barrels are named "empty-barrel", not "barrel", which explains why the blacklist wasn't working.

Re: [REQUEST] Mass Reactions

Posted: Mon May 15, 2017 8:33 pm
by Ranakastrasz
This should work pretty well. Works with Angel's mods at least.

Still need to do more work on the filters so I don't have to white/blacklist as many things manually, add in-game config, and get the multiplier override implemented. Still, it should be usable.

Overall, I think it worked out pretty good.

Recipes are multiplied by 20, but also don't go over 600 seconds, or 10 minutes duration. Those can be changed pretty easily.