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Trashcan in the inventory + Drone-slots in personal hangar

Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 10:19 am
by Kelderon
I think we need a trashcan in the inventory. Getting sick to destroy some woodtreasures and have destroyed items on the ground.

Next i think about is a slot in the personal hangars to put in personal drones (each type of drone one slot per personal hangar). When i build a wrecking-center for drones to destroy the wood my personal drones in inventory get busy because i've marked the area to destroy before building the drone-control but i want to put all drones from my inventory to the drone-controll.

Re: Trashcan in the inventory + Drone-slots in personal hangar

Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 11:27 am
by Aeternus
I'm assuming you are outside of your botnet since you don't just set the wood to auto-trash and let the logistics system worry about the rest... My personal way to deal with it is to drive and toss the excess wood in the cargo hold of the Car. No need to worry about fuel either since the Car can burn wood for fuel (now THAT's eco-unfriendly :D ). If I need to clear an even wider area of trees, a few quick shots of the flamethrower will reduce tree density by 90% over a short time, by burning the entire forest to the ground. Any biters caught in the blaze... Roasted Zerg are tasty Zerg!

Re: Trashcan in the inventory + Drone-slots in personal hangar

Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 10:41 pm
by ssilk
Added to viewtopic.php?f=80&t=21278 Recycling/Disassembling of Waste / Scrap / Trash