Allowing windowed-mode resolution to be specified externally
Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 9:44 am
This topic was split into two parts: This is the suggestion-part and the patch-part was moved to
-- ßilk
Hi guys,
Please allow us to specify the height and width of the Factorio window (when in windowed mode) via either the config file or command-line parameters (I'm not even talking about a GUI setting - that would be excessive at this stage).
Currently my game starts at 1280x720 and I need to stretch it to manually to about 1680x1050, which gets tedious (I need to restart the game quite often).
I don't want to use 3rd party software to achieve this ( seems like a pretty standard setting to have).
-- ßilk
Hi guys,
Please allow us to specify the height and width of the Factorio window (when in windowed mode) via either the config file or command-line parameters (I'm not even talking about a GUI setting - that would be excessive at this stage).
Currently my game starts at 1280x720 and I need to stretch it to manually to about 1680x1050, which gets tedious (I need to restart the game quite often).
I don't want to use 3rd party software to achieve this ( seems like a pretty standard setting to have).