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Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 8:50 am
by MisterSpock
After my first upload failed. Here it comes.

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Trains and Blubb

Re: SpockFactory
Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 2:42 pm
by ssilk
I tested that many times now and I'm sure this is a good tip:
- For the unloading of the trains inserters are no other way.
- But then I use bots to empty the chests (the inserters put it into active provider chests) as fast as possible
This is per sure the best strategy to unload the wagons equally balanced!
- The bots put the most ore then into requester chests, which are very near.
- The requester chests are then unloaded on many, many belts, which go up to the north.
From here you can feed your furnaces from the belts or you make it like so:
- Every X tiles is again an active provider chests, which is loaded from the belt. So you have some sort of "sub-stations"
- The bots move it mainly from the "substation-requester chests" to the furnaces.
- The furnaces are then loaded by smart inserters, which insert only, if you have not enough plates in your storage.
- The output of the furnace is then again a provider chests and from here on it reflects the input side.
Ok, this is a bit oversized...
Re: SpockFactory
Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 3:00 pm
by MisterSpock
ssilk wrote:I tested that many times now and I'm sure this is a good tip:
- For the unloading of the trains inserters are no other way.
- But then I use bots to empty the chests (the inserters put it into active provider chests) as fast as possible
This is per sure the best strategy to unload the wagons equally balanced!
- The bots put the most ore then into requester chests, which are very near.
- The requester chests are then unloaded on many, many belts, which go up to the north.
From here you can feed your furnaces from the belts or you make it like so:
- Every X tiles is again an active provider chests, which is loaded from the belt. So you have some sort of "sub-stations"
- The bots move it mainly from the "substation-requester chests" to the furnaces.
- The furnaces are then loaded by smart inserters, which insert only, if you have not enough plates in your storage.
- The output of the furnace is then again a provider chests and from here on it reflects the input side.
Ok, this is a bit oversized...
Yes, that is a good way. But i dont like the idea of masstransport by bots. Im going to optimize the non-bot version.
Re: SpockFactory
Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 3:23 pm
by DerivePi
Fantastic layout. Thanks for sharing!
Re: SpockFactory
Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2014 10:24 am
by ssilk
I just want to mention, that bots work differently than any other transport-element in factorio: their transport capacity depends on the average distance of the chests and the transport amount.
Or in other words: the throughput depends on the "density" of your layout. Or perhaps better: the density of provider (=source-) and requester (=target)-chests that have a job for the bots.
Or in other words: it makes much sense to build "isles" or "zones" of very high density and do mass transport by belts between those isles.
Re: SpockFactory
Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2014 10:38 am
by MisterSpock
ssilk wrote:I just want to mention, that bots work differently than any other transport-element in factorio: their transport capacity depends on the average distance of the chests and the transport amount.
Or in other words: the throughput depends on the "density" of your layout. Or perhaps better: the density of provider (=source-) and requester (=target)-chests that have a job for the bots.
Or in other words: it makes much sense to build "isles" or "zones" of very high density and do mass transport by belts between those isles.
Yeah, i did understand. The idea is fine and works. But my personal competition is: only use them for few things
Re: SpockFactory
Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 9:52 am
by DasMonzta
yeah, robots are to easy

I only like to use them for construction and destruction and to put my inventory sorted in some storage chests.