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More Realistic inventory hardmode

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 2:00 pm
by n7m6e7
Just something to go along with the "more expensive recipe" difficulty, A more realistic inventory that would promote automation even more

Simply assign a size and weight to each object in the game

Assign a maximum size and weight a player can hold (increased by power armor obviously)

Trick the system, by not displaying empty spaces in inventory, but allow max spaces.

Finally, anything too big by itself to be hauled by the player, must be placed in pieces, then built on the spot. (may take several trips, especially with steel, as the player may only have room for one at a time. )

Also, dismantling large objects would drop their recipe in items on the spot.

No more picking up and plopping down shed-sized objects haphazardly, you gotta plan ahead, and automate everything if you don't want to spend 20 minutes just delivering parts by hand. As a side-benefit, turret creeping will no longer be a viable strat.

Re: More Realistic inventory hardmode

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 2:44 pm
by Grossen
I think such a mode could find its target audience for people that want more of a challenge and more realism when playing. This could also include, making a lot of objects craftable only in assembler, and disable picking up vehicles.

Re: More Realistic inventory hardmode

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 4:03 pm
by sparr
Placing big items in pieces would be the hardest part of this to implement.

To avoid that headache, I might suggest instead that the player be able to be over-capacity by any single item, but not able to move in that situation. So you could craft (or remove from a chest) a single assembler or locomotive, but you would have to be placing it within reach of where you're standing.

Re: More Realistic inventory hardmode

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 8:35 am
by LuziferSenpai