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[0.15.4][Twinsen] Combinators don't update when disconnecting wire

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2017 10:02 pm
by 321freddy
So I tried building a standard combinator memory cell where the input and output of a single combinator is connected. I saved values to it by sending pulses to it which in turn get added to the memory but then I wasn't able to reset the cell because the combinator kept all of it's output signals even after I disconnected all wires from it.

Here's a pic for reproduction:

1. Build the setup as shown on the left side
2. Turn the constant combinator on for a short time to save an arbitrary value in the memory cell
3. Disconnect all the wires (arbitrary order)
4. The memory cell still outputs a value even though it has no inputs

Other notes:
- This only works with two wires of a different color
- It also works with decider combinators (see wiki for memory cell designs using decider)

Please fix this as it is very annoying that I cannot reset my memory cells properly without picking them up :evil:

Re: [0.15.4] Combinators don't update when disconnecting wire

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2017 10:49 pm
by quyxkh
Although this doesn't happen for me when I do it in _arbitrary_ order, when I cut the feedback wire in the attached save the output's pinned to the previous value, which is I think clearly wrong.
cut the red feedback
Watch the counter, cut the red wire, watch the counter, save, load
(2.02 MiB) Downloaded 190 times

Re: [0.15.4] Combinators don't update when disconnecting wire

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2017 11:25 pm
by 321freddy
Hmm I tested it again and with your save too. Seems like I missed an important step for disconnecting all wires without updating the memory cell:
Before cutting any incoming wires, remove all the For Each signals inside the arithmetic combinator (shouldn't this also reset the outputs? maybe a seperate bug?)
Now any wire can be cut without resetting the arithmetic combinator output.

Re: [0.15.4] Combinators don't update when disconnecting wire

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 4:17 pm
by quyxkh

Re: [0.15.4] Combinators don't update when disconnecting wire

Posted: Mon May 01, 2017 4:24 pm
by Twinsen
Thanks for the report.

Fixed for Version: 0.15.6
Fixed both cases:
-when parameters are cleared .
-when disconnecting feedback wire.

Let me know if there are more situations like this after the fix.

Re: [0.15.4][Twinsen] Combinators don't update when disconnecting wire

Posted: Mon May 01, 2017 10:45 pm
by credomane
Sweet! I did this in my modded world but when I made a test world free from mods i couldn't seem to replicate it anymore and just figured some mod wasn't yet fully 0.15 compatible.

Glad to see someone figured it out and thanks for the fix!