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Liquid Logistics. Add liquids to your Logistics System.

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 9:58 pm
by MalContentFL
Logistics Drones made transport so much easier, for items. But what about liquids. Pipes are so hard to run at times and they connect to everything.

A Passive/Active Provider Tank and a Requester Tank could send and receive (respectively) liquids. 1 Logistics Drone can carry 1 unit of 1 type of liquid. They cannot handle anything above 70 degrees. Liquid Providers and Requester can only contain 1 type of liquid. When a liquid is being moved, it loses 3 degrees of temperature for every 1 second it is transferred. When Logistics Tanks are placed, they receive liquid from the back and output to the front. Requesting liquids is the same as requesting items in a Requester Chest.

To gain access to this stuff, Liquistics (Liquid Logistics) requires Logistics Drones and Fluid Handling.
Liquid Carrying (requires Liquistics) lets Logistics Drones carry 3 units of 1 type of liquid and it doesn't lose any heat. They can also carry liquids at 90 degrees and they only lose 1 degree for 1 second of transport.

Re: Liquid Logistics. Add liquids to your Logistics System.

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 3:11 am
by Dakkanor
i would prefer liquid tanks for trains and the ability to put any liquid into barrels.
would sort me out just fine and it would let you barrel up whatever and move it by drone

Re: Liquid Logistics. Add liquids to your Logistics System.

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 6:50 am
by hoho
Expansion of liquid-stuff is planned to 0.12 I believe. At least the fluid tanker for train definitely is.
From what I understand currently modding stuff in relation to fluids is somewhat difficult as not many things are moddable with them yet.