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[.15.2] Minor Teleporting non square collision

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2017 4:00 pm
by Nexela
Teleporting combinators with non square collision boxes (decider combinator) Rotates the collision box but not the entity or selection box if combinator is facing non/north oriented

Place a combinator facing east/west and turn on collision/selection box debug view

Select the combinator and run /c game.player.selected.teleport({game.player.selected.position.x, game.player.selected.position.y+1})

Combinator will move and collision box will rotate

/c game.player.selected.teleport({game.player.selected.position.x, game.player.selected.position.y+1});game.player.selected.direction=game.player.selected.direction
Will teleport it and fix the collision box.

Re: [.15.2] Minor Teleporting non square collision

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2017 7:48 am
by posila
Thanks for the report.
That is actually save/load instability and would cause desync, because bounding box is not saved and would be recalculated corretly on load.
Fixed for 0.15.4