Edit: a little bit better English....
This idea is relatively old. But I still like it.
And cause there is no special thread for it I keep it here.
What else can be done with such a belt (I took the ideas from my memory, cause it was now too difficult to find the threads):
- if connected to the red/green wires it can control any inserters:
--- a closed belt-circuit for production of complicated stuff: Any item is taken from this belt and the produced item goes on the same belt.
--- balancing of left and right lane of a belt (yes, I think it should be possible to count the left and right side of the belt separately, if needed, for the wires only)
- counting the number of items running through this belt (for lifetime?)
- statistics (like production statistics) - because I count the items on the belt I can couple it with an alarm, if the "production" (= number of items on the belt) goes down
- see, if biters or the car running through
- creating some "density" on a belt. For example for a ring of gun turrets the ammunition belt, which should have a more or less low density to spare ammunition.
The "counterpart" for this belt would be a piece of belt, which can be speed-controlled:
- the default speed can be adjusted
- max speed is faster than then express-belt.
- Any signal (red/green/logistic) can be used to slow down or speed up this belt.
- needs of course power for that (so with advanced circuit logic in v0.12 and up, it can be completely turned on/off).
- more speed, more need for power.
- has a fixed length (2-6 tiles?).
Edit: The regulation needs 6 knobs: default speed and default items, min-speed and and min items and max-speed and max-items. For example: The default speed is 2 for 100 items, min speed is 0 for 1000 items and max speed is 6 for 50 items. This means, that the belt drives fastest, if there are equal or less than 50 items and it stops, if we have more than 999 in our chests. Between these the belt calculates the right speed based on nice formulas, sinoids or so.