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[outdated?] Minimum Automated Logistic T3 Tech

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 8:56 pm
by Daeron

Since I began playing this game, I've always had trouble knowing exactly how many transportways I should have for each ressource, and where to head them in order to fully automate the technology research process.
In order to finally get around the numbers and the geographic placement of all that, I compiled a spreadsheet of all the ressources involved in the making of Red, Green & Blue Science flasks and the number of times they are required by other ressources. This also includes the required amount (based on my current observations) of Electric furnaces (or stone furnace equivalent), Oil Processing Factories & Chemical Plants, etc...

The spreadsheet is accessible here
It counts the number of times a ressource is requested and lists the final count at the bottom, for every one of them.
MAL T3 TECH.png (55.82 KiB) Viewed 15713 times
The number of times needed is simply how many Assembling machines and/or smelters and/or ... you'll need to feed with a given ressource. For example, Iron plates will be needed at 7 different places.

Use this to plan a little ahead :)
While this is already quite handy as it is right now, I plan on designing a way to put this all togheter in the most compact possible way, so that building a new factory from the ground up is as streamlined as possible :)

Feel free to comment, submit feedback & ideas !



Re: [TIPS] Minimum Automated Logistic T3 Tech

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 10:21 pm
by MtNak
Wow! This is extreamly helpful! :) Thank you very much!

I will download it and try to expand it to every component in the game.

Re: [TIPS] Minimum Automated Logistic T3 Tech

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 11:24 pm
by Daeron
MtNak wrote:Wow! This is extreamly helpful! :) Thank you very much!

I will download it and try to expand it to every component in the game.
You're welcome :)

Try to keep the same aspect then, so that I can incorporate it here (we might as well keep everything in one place ! I could give you access to a sheet aswell if you want !)

Re: [TIPS] Minimum Automated Logistic T3 Tech

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 2:19 am
by ssilk
I've linked it from the wiki news page. ... =Main_Page

The idea is great: I don't need to know how much I need for everything, it's just the number of "places", which is important , which includes the "from where to where"-question. I think our brains are so constructed, that it can answer the question of "when created A then it is needed at Z places and at first needs to meet B to create X" much better, than the somehow "simpler" question of "To create X I need now A and B". Because the first one includes a plan.

For the copper wire I see an assumption: it makes normally no sense to produce it alone, because of the factor two it produces. You should put copper wire directly in the belonging assembly (inserter, no belt, cause of stack size bonus).

And if you want to make it even more useful, you can make the same sheet, but with the weighted number of items needed - you need for example much more iron/copper for blue science pack, then for red.

@devs: this is an important insight, when there are sometimes pics generated for the recipes etc.: as beginner I don't need to know the amounts, I need just to see what and where. It might be also useful, if at anytime you are thinking of an AI. :)

Re: [TIPS] Minimum Automated Logistic T3 Tech

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 1:21 pm
by Daeron
Allright, I've added the spreadsheet made by MtNak, which lists every ressource needed for every item you can make. It's very well made, give it a try (it's the MAL ALL sheet)