I'm really sorry I was unclear, this was supposed to be a gimme, I'm afraid I wrecked it by just assuming It was clearly a simple, easily-correctable oversight in the UI setup.
I'm asking to have Factorio interpret keyboard input when you're changing an operand value as the new operand value. It's really that simple. Am I alone in thinking that after you've clicked on a combinator operand to change it, Factorio should treat keyboard input as the new value?
Make a batch of combinators, arithmetic or deciders. Set one to each-to-each signalling, leave the operand alone (it's a constant "0"). Copy-settings those to the rest of the batch.
Now go in and change the operators and constants around, I've got a bunch of values on the sushi-belt-controller setup I"m working on, *100000, /1000, *999, >450000, *-10000, <425000, *10000, *-1, +0, -12, /1, *4, *2, *50, *-50, a smattering of *black and /S.
This game doesn't force many wasted motions, it doesn't intrude, it's like Steely Dan,
no static at all, ya know?. Everything about it shows really exceptional care, against a backdrop like that the edge-case glitches stand out perhaps more than anyone would like. Trying to find a layout for this gadget I'm building that doesn't look like a rat's nest is perhaps not the least of the reasons I'm trying lots of variations on this, but it's the least embarrassing one anyway -- trying to "think in circuits" produces lots of "well, _that_ didn't work" moments too.
... I was going to upload a video, it tells me "the extension mp4 is not allowed"?
There, that gives an idea what I'm after, I couldn't count the number of iterations I've been through. Probably not fifty yet, but that forced stutter-step entering the constant adds a _lot_ to the time it takes to set up, to try something new -- exactly the situation in which blueprints can't help (and getting this up really really early is kind of the plan here, besides just the urge to tinker with it)
This is also, by the way, why I want the power-disconnected warning to not operate when the only potential supply on the network is an open power switch -- I figure I can easily keep the final-version layout, I'm after a green-science logistics network you could even get running before oil's really up, to less surface area say twenty factories , and control fifty, maybe a hundred factories as trickle chargers for everything that doesn't need to saturate or drain a belt, all the small stuff I only want a few stacks for, all the slow stuff. When everything's all built I want to shut the whole complex off, at 5-10kW idle per factory all-in that could hit a couple MW, somewhere between two and four steam engines ain't nothing, but gating it would produce a really huge blob of flashing false positives.