Mods auto-install dependencies
Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 7:54 pm
A few people have struggled to install my RTS mod (AAI vehicles) because there are quite a few dependencies. I've tried to make things module so that other mods can benefit, but doing so makes it more awkward for user to install and active the mods.
My suggestion is: Have two checkboxes in options:
Auto-install dependencies: When you install or update a mod it will automatically install and / or update and dependencies that mod has. This would be checked by default.
Auto-activate dependencies: When you activating a deactivated mod it will automatically activate and dependencies the mod has. This would be checked by default.
My suggestion is: Have two checkboxes in options:
Auto-install dependencies: When you install or update a mod it will automatically install and / or update and dependencies that mod has. This would be checked by default.
Auto-activate dependencies: When you activating a deactivated mod it will automatically activate and dependencies the mod has. This would be checked by default.