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Map View

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 2:01 pm
by Florian
When i last played Factorio, i had a really big factory. But when it gets bigger and bigger i lose the overview.

In other games there are many different useful Map views.
Some examples for Factorio:
a map view to see where are areas without energy
a map view where you can see damaged parts of your factory
a map view where you can see how much are the ores depleted or which miners didn't work any more.

I'm sure there are a lot of more useful overviews which can help a lot to manage a big factory or even a small.

Re: Map View

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 3:47 pm
by hoho
Florian wrote:a map view where you can see damaged parts of your factory
A history of "X is under attack/damaged/destroyed" messages would be nice that one could view for a longer period and see those warnings on map again.

When there is a bigger battle that takes a whole bunch of time it's easy to loose track of stuff happening in other parts of the factory. I've occasionally had some vital parts of the system been taken down without me noticing much later since I was occupied in other places and couldn't get around there in time.

Re: Map View

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 3:54 pm
by boro
It would be nice when you hoover over the warnings that a corresponding icon would show up on the minimap or edge of the minimap to get an idea where it's happening without having to open the map.