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Cancelling/closing the personal crafting queue

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 2:25 am
by markjn
When I build up a large queue, it is a pain to try to time the click correctly to start cancelling. You have to hit it perfectly. When you have the queue expanded, closing it is a pain.

Re: Cancelling/closing the personal crafting queue

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 1:21 pm
by ssilk
Added to viewtopic.php?f=80&t=10222 Improvement of crafting queue

Re: Cancelling/closing the personal crafting queue

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 4:31 pm
by daniel34
markjn wrote:When I build up a large queue, it is a pain to try to time the click correctly to start cancelling. You have to hit it perfectly. When you have the queue expanded, closing it is a pain.
That's the issue, but what is your idea/suggestion to solve that?

Re: Cancelling/closing the personal crafting queue

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 5:37 pm
by posila
What are you crafting when you build up big crafting queue? Have you previously played other games that had lot of crafting?

I am asking because handcrafting is intentionally little bit tedious, so players are more incentivized to use automation. In your case the game fails to do that so I am trying to get more context on your play-style :)

Re: Cancelling/closing the personal crafting queue

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 5:59 pm
by ssilk
Hm. I will answer this question also. :)

When I'm in the situation, that I want to change the crafting queue it in 70% so, that I craft inserters or belts or intermediates and now want to build some devices (miner, furnace, assembly, but especially seldom used stuff like refineries, oil plattform...)
And in the other 30% it is vice versa: I currently build one of those stuff that takes longer (refineries...) and just need now some inserters or belts.

Re: Cancelling/closing the personal crafting queue

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 2:17 am
by markjn
posila wrote:What are you crafting when you build up big crafting queue? Have you previously played other games that had lot of crafting?

I am asking because handcrafting is intentionally little bit tedious, so players are more incentivized to use automation. In your case the game fails to do that so I am trying to get more context on your play-style :)
Thanks for the reply. I love the game and have many many hours. I have launched a bunch of rockets. This usually only happens in the early game before I have many items automated. For example, I have the supplies to craft 150 inserters, but I only need 50. So I click the button 50 times, which makes the queue huge. Then I start laying belts, but I run out, so I go to craft more. I don't want to wait for the inserters to finish. So I click the expand queue up arrow button to see how much longer it will take. Everything item is moving so fast it is hard to cancel a specific thing. And the down arrow to close the expanded view is hard to click.

I'm not saying hand crafting should be faster or anything.

It's a really minor problem and only rarely annoys me. Later in the game I only rarely hand craft things, and even in the early game I only screw up my hand crafting queue once in a while. But maybe keep the close queue down arrow in a steady spot so players can click it easily. Maybe a cancel all button? I don't know the best way to improve it, I'll leave that to you guys; you've done a great job so far.



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Re: Cancelling/closing the personal crafting queue

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 2:24 am
by daniel34
markjn wrote:I have the supplies to craft 150 inserters, but I only need 50. So I click the button 50 times, which makes the queue huge.
You can right-click on an item to craft 5 at once, they will group in the crafting queue and you only need to right-click 10 times.
You can also shift-click to craft all available items (e.g. 150 inserters), this will queue them all up in 1 job.

The same is true for cancelling a craft: right-click will remove 5 from the job and shift-click will completely cancel it.

Using these shortcuts will make the crafting queue shorter and it's easier to cancel specific jobs since they take 5 times as long.