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Rocket control parts so confused

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 6:21 pm
by Nich
So I was doing some spread sheeting and I figured 1 plastic plant could support 6 rocket control units

1 sec to produce 2 plastic and Rocket control unit needs 10 plastic in 30 seconds (per the wiki) so 30 second = 60 plastic = 6 rocket control units.

I add in all the extras for speed becons and productivity mods and I end up with only 4 rocket control units per plastic. Now I thought productivity/speed combo was supposed to increase this ratio........ This is where I noticed that the wiki is all wrong for rocket control units. my totals are as follows. How do you update the wiki?

RC 1
blue 1
Speed 1
green 39
red 7
Iron 39
copper 72.5
plastic 14

I am pretty sure my sums are good however there is a very good chance I did my ratio math wrong because i thought that 1 blue which can normally only support 2 Rocket control units would be able to support 2.8 control units. My spread sheet says it is still 2/1 ratio. How do you account for free product showing up out of thin air?

My current formula for product created is

(# of AMs * Crafting Speed * (1 + Speed becon bonus + productivity speed bonus) * (1 + productivity bonus))/crafting time

I then solve for the least common denominator and end up with

RC 4
blue 2
speed 2*
green 3
red 8
iron 12
copper 21
plastic 1

*had to add 2 speed 3 mods to keep up with production since you cant use producivity

Re: Rocket control parts so confused

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 7:46 am
by Xeorm
Remember that the raw numbers are listed in terms of things the player can't make themselves. Which means that iron plates (which need to be forged) are counted as raw, but so are things like engines. The recipe for a tank will break down the intermediate products, but leave the engine as a raw value.

Which for a RCU means the raw count doesn't break down the blue chip's cost. 14 plastic is the correct amount.

Why do you say you can't use productivity? They work just fine to make RCUs.

Re: Rocket control parts so confused

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 10:26 am
by ssilk
Nich, why don't you use the good spreadsheets in the tools-board for such calculations? There is also a mod to calculate ratios.

If you want to change it in the wiki you need an account. That is explained in the wiki-board. :)

Re: Rocket control parts so confused

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 5:06 pm
by Nich
Xeorm - BAH you are correct I totally forgot to add in the materials for the blue chips. Thanks everything is matching up there now.

ssilk - come on you know that 1/2 the fun of this game is doing the math your self :D

Anyways I slept on it last night and I realized the problem is there is no conservation of mass. So if you want to produce 1 blue chip you don't need material for 1 blue chip but you need materials for 71.429% of a blue chip

Re: Rocket control parts so confused

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 6:16 pm
by Xeorm
Nich wrote:Xeorm - BAH you are correct I totally forgot to add in the materials for the blue chips. Thanks everything is matching up there now.

ssilk - come on you know that 1/2 the fun of this game is doing the math your self :D

Anyways I slept on it last night and I realized the problem is there is no conservation of mass. So if you want to produce 1 blue chip you don't need material for 1 blue chip but you need materials for 71.429% of a blue chip
Glad I could help. Also, best to think of it as being more efficient with the same materials. Less wasted materials due to inefficiency means you get more for the same input.

Re: Rocket control parts so confused

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 7:36 pm
by Nich
Ha ha that makes much more sense lol

Anyways here are the ratios I ended up with. It will over produce all the base products slightly but I can use those in other parts of the factory :)

RC 7
blue 3
speed 4 (with 1 speed 3)
green 3
red 9
iron 8
copper 15
plastic 1

And as I am writing this I realize copper wire will get a production bonus that I did not account for. Even the text base version of Factorio is now requiring me to replan my layout lol

Re: Rocket control parts so confused

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 8:47 pm
by Nich
Now my new number of AM 3s are

RC 7
blue 3
speed 4 (with 1 speed 3)
green 3
wire 4
red 9
iron 9*
copper 13*
plastic 1

*electric using 2 prod 3's

Hopefully these will last more then 5 minutes this time :/

My only disappointments are it appears to produce .25/s too many blues and 26/s too many copper wire