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Ever notice teens act like real idiots?
Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2017 6:01 pm
by GoldenPorkchop80
So yesterday, my school nurse recently found out that one of the students tested positive for pertussis (AKA: Whooping Cough), possibly because that kid's parents is one of those idiots who believe that vaccines give their kids autism*. A flyer went home explaining everything and blah blah blah. Fast-Forward to today, now half of the kids in our school are absent because of "medical reasons", and the idiots that ARE here (excluding me) are all acting like they have the damn disease. It's really pissing me off, 'cause it's actually a pretty serious thing that DOES kill infants!
It really pisses me off and I am actually pretty scared too. I have a condition that resembles asthma, and I sometimes do have coughing fits, but that's because of my condition, not because of the disease (lucky for me, I was born in a family that believed in vaccination. Yay!). I'm worried that this could attract unwanted attention, but that really isn't new, because I had issues with bullying in previous schools that I went to. But still, I really would like to NOT be labeled as a laughing stock
This is a brand new school for me. I really don't want to mess this up. Any suggestions?
*There have been MANY studies trying to prove the link between vaccines and autism, and there is overwhelming evidence that this is completely wrong. And don't even try to convince me, because I believe in the power of science more than I believe my own parents.
Re: Ever notice teens act like real idiots?
Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 9:35 am
by evildogbot100
Join a club or anything which you will get groups of close friends. Bullies don't usually target those with numbers. Don't just be social butterfly, seek friends that are genuine. The idea here is so that your friend don't turns against you.
Re: Ever notice teens act like real idiots?
Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 4:36 pm
by Nich
FYI the link between autism and vaccines is real. It is just really small. It is about the same as getting pregnant past age 35. Whether this is just statistical noise, correlation or causation is debatable but to deny the link is bad science.
Also maybe I am just cynical but I think people are idiots. They don't get much better as they get older.
Re: Ever notice teens act like real idiots?
Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 7:17 pm
by kinnom
Nich wrote:FYI the link between autism and vaccines is real. It is just really small. It is about the same as getting pregnant past age 35. Whether this is just statistical noise, correlation or causation is debatable but to deny the link is bad science.
Also maybe I am just cynical but I think people are idiots. They don't get much better as they get older.
No there is not. Autism is a neurological disorder, meaning it is caused by a different brain structure. It's like saying you have installed a new antivirus and it caused your pc to suddenly have a different cpu.
Re: Ever notice teens act like real idiots?
Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 7:27 pm
by DerivePi
It is even more important now, with our advanced medical system and technology, that we leave room for Darwin. You should write a thank you letter to those parents expressing how thoughtful they are for allowing their children to be sacrificed for the common good of eugenics.
Of course I am being cynical and I find this foolishness sad. Aren't vaccinations required to be documented prior to going to school?
Re: Ever notice teens act like real idiots?
Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 7:39 pm
by GoldenPorkchop80
DerivePi wrote:Aren't vaccinations required to be documented prior to going to school?
Yes, they are.
However, manually going through +2000 shot records isn't exactly anyone's idea of a good time, so they use OCR and a scanner to make sure everything is up to date. However, bad handwriting, paper color, and other stuff can all cause errors and stuff can be lost in translation, so I guess the OCR must have mistaken something for "DTaP" or "Tdap" and passed him/her. (This is just my speculation. It may have been a totally different reason for all I know, because Doctor-Patient confidentiality and all that.). Anyways, I really don't know what happened after that. I'm guessing that the student went home, and isn't allowed to come back to school for a week, per DoH&HS & EPISD standards.
Re: Ever notice teens act like real idiots?
Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 9:50 pm
by Nich
kinnom wrote:Nich wrote:FYI the link between autism and vaccines is real. It is just really small. It is about the same as getting pregnant past age 35. Whether this is just statistical noise, correlation or causation is debatable but to deny the link is bad science.
Also maybe I am just cynical but I think people are idiots. They don't get much better as they get older.
No there is not. Autism is a neurological disorder, meaning it is caused by a different brain structure. It's like saying you have installed a new antivirus and it caused your pc to suddenly have a different cpu.
If your anti virus had the ability to change the wiring in the cpu you would technically have a new cpu. Let me guess steroids also don't cause roid rage because they only effect muscles and couldn't possibly mess with your brain chemistry.
The study's I have seen had a .3% correlation between vaccination and autism. Unfortunately then I have never seen a published study actually publish the real numbers their data is based off of, their methods of capturing said data, or their methods of statistical analysis. Although as I stated before correlation and causation are very different things but ignoring the data is just bad science. Unless the study is double blind with more then 100,000 participants I am not sure how much weight it can really carry. But again to live in a world of absolutes is impossible. Yes it is just a likely that a poorly done studys margin of error could show vaccines have a .3% chance to reduce autism but the odds of the RNG gods putting the exact same number of autistic children in the control group as the test group are astronomical.
I did some more reading and in fact in Dapts own FDA submission had 1 out of 854 children developed cancer over a 30 day clinical. which would give it very high correlation seeing as only 1 out of 6000ish children will developed cancer annually. That is a 1 out of 71 chance of developing cancer while being a part of this clinical. So are you going to get cancer because you were immunized? This study suggests you have roughly an increased 8450% chance to get cancer (why would you even worry about a .3% increase of getting autism) by being immunized. NO the sample size is too small, the study does not even use a double blind procedure and the observation period was too short.
Oh and a .3% correlation results in a .0047% increase to the chances of getting autism for boys and a .0019% increase for girls
Re: Ever notice teens act like real idiots?
Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 12:42 am
by Xeanoa
If you really believe steroids cause roid rage, even ignoring the fact that there's a hundred different kinds beside androgynous anabolic steriods, then you really need to study more biochemistry.
Re: Ever notice teens act like real idiots?
Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 8:34 pm
by Nich
Xeanoa wrote:If you really believe steroids cause roid rage, even ignoring the fact that there's a hundred different kinds beside androgynous anabolic steriods, then you really need to study more biochemistry.
hhhhmmmm... Troll?
it was an example I also could have used adderall, Prozac, lithium, lead, mercury, alcohol, meth, cocaine, PCP, LSD. All of which alter brain chemistry although if it is permanent or temporary is debatable on a per drug basis.
Re: Ever notice teens act like real idiots?
Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 5:46 am
by MrNardKing
Vaccines don't even contain what the doctor says. It is not the weakened disease so your body can learn how to kill it, it is a serum to control your body. The government uses this to control the population! It may be me but you can do the research and find out more than that. Yes, teens do act like idiots, and I would know because I am one

. EDIT: I have had no vaccines since I was a little 2nd grader and I never get the flu anymore or another disease besides the common cold.
Re: Ever notice teens act like real idiots?
Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 9:56 am
by Koub
OK the original post, while not a troll, was by essence a very fertile soil for trolls, and I see them coming.
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